How could I have been so completely mistaken?
He looks up at me with those whiskey eyes. The eyes that have seen me the way nobody else ever has.
“I did,” he agrees.
“I trust you.” I lean down, crushing my lips against his, my fingers gliding up from the back of his neck into his hair.
He kisses me back, slowly but with intention, then I climb into his lap, pressing my body against him. I shiver when his hands trail up my back, finding their way underneath my shirt.
I’ve never wanted to be this close to someone. Never needed to be this close to someone, but it’s time I admitted what I’ve been denying all along.
Dylan has my heart.
He strokes my hair, nuzzling into my neck, his breath hot on my skin. Then when he falls back onto the mattress, pulling me with him, I melt.
And this time neither one of us pulls away.
Chapter 30
My eyes open slowly, adjusting to the morning light. The sun filters in through a crack in the curtains, illuminating the light pink table lamp on the bedside to my right. Momentarily, in my sleepy haze, I’ve forgotten where I am and then all the memories of the previous night come flooding back.
Of Mackenzie’s silky, sun-kissed skin moving against mine, the way my hands followed each curve as she clung to my broad shoulders. Without question, it had been the best night of my life.
She’d gone home with me to grab a change of clothes and feed Chance and then we’d worked our shifts together at the tavern. We’d barely been able to keep our hands off each other, almost getting busted by Corey in the office a couple of times. I’m pretty sure he could sense something was up between us. Something good.
Afterwards, we’d wound up right back in her room, repeating yesterday afternoon all over again.
I roll over as gently as I can to avoid waking Mackenzie. She’s always gorgeous, but in this light, she is exquisite. A long, toned leg thrown over the covers, her hair streaming out behind her like spun gold. I tighten an arm around her waist, drawing her gently against me.
She begins to stir so I nuzzle into her, peppering light kisses down her neck. If I’m being honest, I’m a little anxious that she’s going to wake up with regrets but as she murmurs softly, rolling onto her back, her lips meeting mine, my fears disintegrate. She had said she trusted me. More than that, she had shown me, and that had meant everything.
“Good morning,” she says, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal those stormy blue-grey irises I love so much.
“Yes, it is,” I agree.
She giggles, then Kristen’s voice travels down the hallway. “Mackenzie! Are you awake?”
“Shit,” I curse, glancing down at my almost naked body. “Will she come in here?”
Mackenzie laughs again. “Oh my. So prudish,” she teases.
“I am not,” I retaliate, making sure the comforter is covering every inch of my skin. “I’m just trying to be respectful.”
“Such a gentleman,” she mocks. “Don’t you walk around mostly naked for like, half of every day?”
My mouth gapes open. “I’m a diving instructor, Kenz. You’re making me sound like a stripper.”
“Mackenzie.” This time Kristen’s voice is accompanied by a knock on the door.
I throw the covers over my head while Mackenzie chuckles at my attempt to hide. “Yeah,” she calls back. “I’m awake.”
The door creaks as Kristen swings it open. If she notices the giant blob under the comforter she doesn’t let on.
“Hey,” she says. “Liv and I are going into Little Beach today to check out the shops and get some lunch. We’d really love it if you came with us.”
Mackenzie lets out a breath from beside me and I can already guess what her answer is going to be before she responds. “I can’t.”