I pull myself upright. Through the rain-soaked windscreen I can make out the flashing neon sign on the roof of a roadside diner with a bright red door.
For a second it takes me back to that day with Henley in Coledale. I shudder at the memory of screeching tyres, of that blood-curdling scream I’ve heard in all my nightmares since. The scream that came from me. I shake the memory of that nightmare and turn to Dylan.
“Are you okay?” Concern paints his features, his espresso eyes warm and kind.
“Yeah,” I say with a shrug. “Just hungry.”
He doesn’t look away, his gaze scouring mine and I know he can tell I’m wrestling with past demons, but he’s patient.
So fucking patient with me.
He brushes my hair over my shoulder. “Talk to me.”
A deep breath leaves my lungs. I haven’t talked to anyone about this. I couldn’t, but something about Dylan makes me feel as though I can. “This diner. It looks like the one Henley stopped at. The day Ethan was hit by the car.”
“Shit,” he mutters. “I’m sorry. We can go somewhere else.”
“No,” I protest. “It’s silly. This isn’t that place. It’s just how my mind works sometimes. For a second, I was back there, you know?”
“Yeah,” he replies. “I can understand that.”
“I want to go in. I do,” I say earnestly.
“Are you sure?”
Nodding, I unclick my seatbelt. The door creaks as I thrust it open and step out into the rain. I stare up at the diner, then Dylan is beside me, placing my hoodie around my shoulders and guiding me out of the downpour.
The bad memories I’ve resurrected vanish as soon as we enter the small café, met with friendly faces and warmth.
“Dylan!” A short brunette middle-aged woman approaches us, holding out two menus. “I haven’t seen your face around here for a while. How are you doing?”
“I’ve been good, Jackie,” Dylan replies as he takes the menus from her hands. “How are you?”
“Same old. Nothing really changes around here,” she says with a wave of her hand. “Although, last week we had a rockstar pass through with his entourage. They ordered thirty-five cheeseburgers. I can’t remember his name. Brenda, what was that rockstar’s name?”
“Emmett Jensen!” A tall, curvy blonde emerges from the kitchen wearing a bright pink apron. “He’s so dreamy.”
I can’t help but giggle, having known EJ since I moved to Cliff Haven and experienced first-hand the effect he has on women.
“He sure is,” Dylan jokes, shooting me a knowing look.
“Are you on your way to see Daisy and Cyrus again?” Jackie asks Dylan.
“Daisy and Cyrus?” I mouth to Dylan. Those are some seriously unusual names.
“We are.” Dylan responds to Brenda and Jackie with a wink that lets me know they’re in on some kind of inside joke or secret. “I’m going to introduce them to a new friend of mine. Ladies, this is Mackenzie.”
“Hi, Mackenzie.” Brenda greets me, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiles.
“So nice to meet you,” Jackie says.
“Thanks. You too,” I reply, self-consciously shoving my hands into my pockets.
“So, this is your first time meeting Daisy and Cyrus, huh? I’m sure you’re in for a real treat!”
Dylan lets out a laugh at Jackie’s comment.
“Have you met them too?” I ask the two women. Who the hell are these people I’m going to be meeting today?