“Something?” Jade scoffs, then her eyebrows lift. “More like someone. Like, maybe a certain cynical blonde we’ve all come to know and love?”

“Maybe,” I admit.

“Maybe?” She shakes her head at me, aiming a sceptical smirk in my direction. Clearly, she sees right through me. “It’s so obvious you like her. Why do you think I invited her on the boat in the first place?”

“That’s why you invited her? You meddler!” I cry in mock shock, swinging a rolled-up dish towel at her.

“Hey, I did you a favour.” She pauses to take a slurp from her straw. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“Why, thank you, Jade.” I hold my hand over my heart, a gesture that earns me a laugh. “It might be the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me.” I’m not even kidding.

“Okay, settle down,” she says. “Where is she, anyway? I swear I saw her behind the bar when I walked in.”

“She wasn’t feeling well,” I lie, knowing it isn’t my place to disclose Mackenzie’s whereabouts.

Jade drops her straw back into her drink and flashes me an accusing glance. “What did you do to her?”

“I did nothing,” I retaliate, my hands raised in defence. “She had something important that she needed to do, too.”

“Well, this is all very cryptic,” Jade muses.

My smile falters. Mackenzie has been gone for almost two hours. Either she’s making progress with this new relationship with her grandmother, or she’s sitting by a river sketching her angst-ridden thoughts out onto a page. Either way, I’m worried about her.

“Are you okay?” Jade is clearly in tune with the frown on my face, but I don’t have time to answer her before the doors of the tavern open, the atmosphere suddenly sucked right out of the room.

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath. “Not anymore.”

My father saunters to the bar, swiftly adjusting his tie before sliding his hands into his pockets. His posture is stiff, as it always seems to be in my presence lately. “Son, can we have a word?”

I’m about to tell him no. That I have a job to do. Customers waiting. But then I see Claire stroll up behind him. He’s clearly brought her along to add to his persuasion. He knows I can’t say no to my big sister.

“Sure,” I say reluctantly instead, then I wave a hand at Corey. “Corey, would you mind covering for me for a minute?”

“Sure, boss,” Corey calls out from the storage room where he’s busy unpacking a pallet of beer.

“This way.” I motion for my father and Claire to follow me out the back of the tavern to the lawn area that served as the venue for Liv and EJ’s wedding earlier this year. I gesture to the long wooden table, and we all take a seat. The beach is quiet, save for the waves thrashing against the white sand in the distance. “What brings the two of you all the way out here? And where’s Mum?”

“She had an important meeting about her upcoming handbag line,” Claire answers.

“Oh,” I say.

My mother isn’t new to the fashion industry, but she’d only recently decided to create an accessories line. She may have married the founder of a successful hotel chain, but she is a businesswoman in her own right.

“I’m not here to beat around the bush, Dylan.” My father’s words come out clipped. “We’re here to give you one last chance to accept the job at the Abbott Group.”

A heavy sigh leaves me as I run a hand through my hair. I’m sick of this fight, exhausted by the newspapers reporting ridiculous theories about me and my family. “I really appreciate that, Dad. I really do. And I know that my choices are affecting the entire family. I’m sorry about that, but I’m happy here.”

My father grunts but he doesn’t argue it further.

“Okay,” he says. “If you’re certain this is what you want, then I’m sure there’s some way we can spin this so the media doesn’t drag our family name any further through the mud.”

“Okay?” I just about choke on the word in shock. “You’re okay with this now?”

“You tell me that you’re happy here.” His gaze moves sideways to the ocean.

“I am,” I confirm. “I’m doing everything that I want to do, Dad. And I’m standing on my own two feet doing it.”

He doesn’t look happy, but he seems mildly less agitated than usual as he gives a short nod. “Then maybe it’s about time I accept that. I’ve decided to allow Claire to take your position.”