I sit back on my bed examining it and try to envision something, anything, that I could paint on it. Thanks to Betty and May’s commentary yesterday, the only subject that comes to mind right now is the very person I’m trying to avoid.

It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m feeling less than inspired right now. I had begun to seriously consider Grace’s invitation to the exhibition night, but if I can’t find my muse, I’ll be attending as a visitor and not an exhibitor.

Frustrated, I throw myself back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Mackenzie!” I hear Kristen call from down the hall. “Someone’s at the door! Can you get it? I’m naked!”

“Ugh. Where’s Henley?” I grumble, then thinking better of it I add, “Don’t answer that.”

I stomp down the hallway to the front door and swing it wide open.

“Hi,” Dylan says cheerfully from the other side of it, his eyes the colour of burnt caramel.

“What are you doing here?” My glare narrows in suspicion.

“Picking you up, remember?”

I shake my head in annoyance, huffing out a sigh. “I told you I’m not going with you.”

“Yes, you are,” he says cheekily, his eyes travelling down to the Scooby-doo pyjama pants I’m wearing. “I’ll wait here while you get ready. Or you could just wear those if you like. I don’t mind.”

“You can wait out here all night for all I care. I’m not going anywhere.” I prepare to shut the door in his face, but what he says next catches me off guard.

“I thought you might say that. That’s why I brought a book along with me.”

“You’re kidding,” I say, calling his bluff.

“I’m really not.”

I roll my eyes as he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a thick, heavy book, his grin spreading wider. He wasn’t kidding.

I read the title aloud. “‘Shark Biology and Conservation: Essentials for Educators, Students and Enthusiasts.’ Well, have fun with that.”

The hinges creak as I begin to close the door, but his hand comes up to hold it open. “I’ll wait as long as it takes, but I’m not leaving until my reputation is intact.”

“Whatever.” This time I do slam the door with way too much force and the sound reverberates throughout the small cottage.

I storm back to my room, passing Kristen in the hallway as I go. She frowns at my sullen expression. “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing,” I mutter as I enter my room and fall back onto my bed, resting my head up against the bedhead.

Stupid Dylan and his stupid, persistent attitude.

No more than a minute later, Kristen is back, arms folded as she leans against the doorframe. “Um, Mackenzie? Why is Dylan sitting on our front porch reading a textbook?”

“He likes reading?” I offer.

“Mac, come on. What’s going on?” She moves into the room, taking a seat at the end of my bed.

I sigh, knowing she isn’t going to leave until I give her an answer. “He wants me to go somewhere with him.”


My answer rushes out of me in one breath. “Because I may have accused him of participating in illegal dealings and he wants to clear his name.”

Kristen narrows her eyes at me, a sceptical smile spreading across her face. “Dylan? He’s like… the nicest person.”

“Sure.” I shrug. “They all seem nice until you find out they’re not.”