“Shit!” Mackenzie shouts, clutching at her chest in shock as she spins around. Her eyes settle on me in the corner of the studio where I sit at one of the back tables. “Where did you come from? Grace, did you know he was here?”
“Yes. I saw him sneak in.” Grace beams and the bell above the door chimes as she opens it. “I’m going to the Haven to pick up our coffee order. Would you like anything, Dylan?”
“No, thanks,” I reply.
“Okay. I’ll be back in time for opening.” The door closes gently, and I turn my attention back to Mackenzie.
“How long have you been sitting there?” she asks.
“I snuck in while you were out the back.” I stand up and stride over to her, a piece of art paper and the missing pens she was searching for clutched in my hand. “I’ve been working on something for you.”
Her eyes narrow, a twinkle in their icy blue as a dubious grin spreads across her face. “For me? What is it?”
“I drew you a picture.”
“You did not,” she challenges.
“I did,” I tell her. “And I put all of my heart and soul into it so you better like it.”
“Okay.” She chuckles. “Let’s see it.”
I’m definitely not an artist and I can’t wait to see her reaction. I hand her the scrap of art paper and watch as her grin expands. She begins to laugh as she takes in my stick figure art.
“This is me here,” I say, pointing to the badly drawn character. “See? Those are my abs there and that’s my boat in the background. Oh, and there’s Chance.” I gesture to the little dog stick figure in the centre.
“And is this supposed to be me?” She chuckles, pointing at the stick figure on the left that I’ve clearly tried to make look female.
“Obviously,” I scoff. “Because you’ve got long hair and boobs.”
She laughs louder now, bringing a hand to her mouth. “It’s brilliant. Can I frame it?”
“Not yet,” I say. “I haven’t finished.”
“You haven’t?”
I snatch the drawing from her fingers and grab one of the markers, pulling the lid off between my teeth. “Turn around for a sec.”
She shakes her head but does as I’ve instructed while I add the extra additions to the page. “Okay. Finished.”
I click the lid back on the pen as she spins around, reading the text aloud that I’ve written in the speech bubble alongside ‘stick figure’ me. “Will you move in with me?”
It’s a question I’d been wanting to ask her for a while now and it’s really only a formality at this point. She stays over at my place almost every night anyway and I’d cleared a couple of drawers for her to keep her things in my dresser months ago. Waking up next to her is my absolute favourite thing in the world.
Her bottom lip disappears between her teeth as she plucks the marker from my grip. “Turn around.”
I do as she says. I’m pretty sure I know what her answer will be, but my heart beats out of sync all the same. After a painstakingly long moment, she taps me on the shoulder, extending the drawing back to me.
I read the text she’s written in a speech bubble next to ‘stick figure’ Mackenzie. “Only if I get to be in charge of the TV remote every night.”
I roll my eyes, pretending to think this over, then I pull her into me, enveloping her in my arms. “Deal. I guess I’m doomed to a future of watching Outer Banks on repeat.”
“You know it. Pogues for life.” she says, bringing her lips to mine.
“Oh! Get a room, you two!” May’s grumpy voice interrupts the otherwise quiet studio.
Mackenzie grins and then lifts the drawing up, one eyebrow quirked. “Should we tell her we’re about to?”
We both turn to find Betty and May watching us. May is completely disinterested, but Betty’s gaze is intent on me, her eyebrows wiggling high on her forehead. Man, that woman knows how to creep me out.