Page 101 of The Version You Hide

I chuckle. “She’s not that bad. I have to go anyway, but I’ll call you when I get to the city this afternoon.”


I pull her in again and kiss her, deeper this time, knowing it will be the last time I get to have her this close for a few days. I don’t say out loud what I’m thinking. That I’m going to miss her like hell.

I pull on yesterday’s jeans and t-shirt and hurry down the hall. Kristen is folding clothes in the living room at the front of the house.

“See you, Kris.” I offer her an awkward wave.

“Bye, Dylan.” She gives me a smile and a knowing look.

I close the front door behind me, then skip down the porch steps and climb into the RAV4. The engine splutters as I start the ignition. It’s starting to sound unhealthy again, but there isn’t much I can do about it right now. I can only hope and pray that it gets me to the city and back without any dramas. I make a mental note to take a look under the hood later.

When I make it to the boat, Jade is busy hosing down the deck on the port side. “Hey,” she calls out. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I reply. “Why?”

“You look a little dishevelled there,” she answers with a smirk.

I glance down at my wrinkled clothing, raking a hand through my hair that I didn’t have time to run a comb through. “I guess I am. In a good way.”

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Good night last night, then?”

“Yeah. The best.” I’m unable to hide the smile that overtakes my face as I climb on board, and I don’t even care.

“Wouldn’t have had something to do with a feisty blonde, would it?” Jade questions.

My sheepish grin is all she needs in answer.

“’Bout time,” she scoffs. “You’re totally smitten.”

“Who’s smitten and with what?” Cameron emerges from below deck, his arms loaded with diving supplies.

“Dylan is in love with Mackenzie,” Jade teases. “He’s gone all gaga.”

“’Bout time.” Cameron’s reply earns a dead stare from me.

“Oh, come on, dude,” I say. “You only met her that one time.”

“Yep,” he agrees. “And I was lucky to not get burnt by all those sparks flying between the two of you.”

“Anyway,” I say. “I think I might book Mackenzie and her friend, Harper in for a tour at the end of the week if there’s space. Harper missed out last time. I’ll pay, of course.”

“No problem,” Cameron replies as he sorts the dive masks from the fins. “Just check the guest register and add them in.”

“Thanks.” I rub the base of my neck, preparing myself for the next favour I need to ask. “Uh, there’s also something else I need to tell you guys.” I steady my hands on my hips, staring at the boat deck between us. I hate that I have to ask for time off and with such little notice. “I need to take a few days off from tomorrow. I have some loose ends to tie up in the city.”

“Loose ends, huh?” Jade muses. “Wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain hotel conglomerate, would it?”

My jaw practically unhinges, my mouth gaping open like a cod as I swivel in her direction. When I turn back to Cameron, I expect to find confusion in his expression, but he doesn’t look surprised by Jade’s question at all.

“You guys know?

“Oh sweetie,” she teases, laying a hand on my shoulder. “You’re smooth, but you’re not that smooth.”

“Have you known this whole time?”

“Not the whole time. We probably figured it out about a month after you started working on the boat. I mean, Abbott is a common name but it’s not that common.” Cameron begins casually unpacking a slab of bottled water as though blowing this secret out of the water is the least exciting thing he’s ever done.