“Please don’t. Only Anthony is allowed to do any gobbling.”
He giggles gleefully and then pulls away. “Can I ask a question?”
“Sure thing.”
“What do you think someone would like as a gift? Someone that’s a casual hookup…but a really good fuck.”
My eyebrows rise. “Are you seeing someone, Bane?”
His cheeks blush and he shrugs. “Maybe. I want to give them a gift but not sure what would be appropriate. Do you think another eyeball? Maybe a nose? I do have a great collection of kidneys.”
I let out a laugh so loud some birds nestled in the trees squawk at me.
“How about some flowers or like, a nice dinner?”
He rolls his lips between his teeth. “That’s boring. Maybe a vial of blood from one of their enemies.”
I sigh and then elbow him gently. “You know what? You do you. I’m sure they’ll love it. Can I ask who it is?”
Bane winks at me. “You can, but it’s a secret. No one can know.”
“Because it’s forbidden.”
My eyes widen at that, and then Bane stands, leaning down and smacking a kiss on my lips.
“Bye, my little snack. See you around.”
And then he disappears around the corner of a shed and is gone. I have no idea where he’s going, but honestly, I don’t know if I want to know.
I sit outside a little while longer, my eyes lingering on the house in the distance before moving to the flowers, the white lilies lit up by the pinks and purples of the sunset. Teddy should be out here with me, I think, frowning. Angel should be here too, watching the sun set while he tends to his garden.
I pull out my phone and hit the camera, wanting to take a video of myself in his favorite place in the world. So he can see it, if he’s perhaps a little homesick.
“Hey,” I say as my face appears on the screen. “I miss you, friend. I wanted to show you this beautiful sunset and how good your garden looks. I know it’s only been a few days, but I’ve been taking care of it when I can. And I think your dad is going to hire someone to make sure it’s beautiful for when you come to visit…”
I pivot the phone as I walk around, showing him the space where he used to spend hours, leaning down to show him how some of his bulbs have started to sprout.
I hear a rustling behind me, but I just shut the video off and send it to Angel, turning to greet whoever is coming to meet me. It must be Anthony. He’s probably annoyed I’ve stayed busy all day and haven’t had time to see him.
“I know, I know…” I say, turning around, my eyes flitting up the dark figure before me.
The phone falls from my hand, my heart leaping into my throat.
“You’re not Anthony,” I whisper and the man chuckles, pulling something long and sharp from his pocket.
“I sure as fuck am not.”
And then he lunges. I feel a sting in my neck and everything goes black.
Tatum has been keeping busy, and I’ve let him, my own schedule full with trying to neutralize the threats against us. The Aces are faltering, showing me all their hands, but it’s getting dangerous the more desperate they become.
But I’m close to winning.