Page 118 of The Silencer

Anthony eyes us both and then nods. “They’re desperate now. I’ve managed to get most of their businesses shut down with the help of the senator and his connections with the FBI. But we need to finish them.”

I peer over at him and his eyes are on me before they slide to Luca. “They tried to take him from me. Tried to take you and Viktor from me. And you’re sure that it was Henry you saw speaking to the Aces?”

“Yep, that little shit stick,” Luca replies, taking another drag of his cigarette.

My groggy mind pulls up a vision of a man with a purple tie and an earring. I remember Viktor telling me that he was no good. To stay away.

Was he responsible for this? He didn’t look like he could be, but then again, Viktor did seem wary.

“And how did he know where we were and when?” Anthony asks.

“Dunno. I was in the back doing club business. I don’t know where he’s getting any of his information.”


“Someone’s saying something,” Viktor says, his eyes on Luca, and I can feel the man tense beneath me.

“It’s not me, Vik. No matter how fucking poorly you think of me.”

Anthony is silent and then he leans back. “It’s not Luca.”

Luca inhales again before snubbing his cigarette out and lighting another one with some kind of electric lighter.

“At least someone has my back.”

“It’s someone else. Someone who knows the ins and outs of my business and saw you sneaking out.”

They sit in silence, occasionally rattling off a name or two, but all are easily dismissed.

They have no idea who it could be.

“That’s bad, right?” I ask. “Like not knowing who it is?”

“Yeah. I may have to postpone your parents’ trip out here. I’m sorry, Tatum, but it’s not safe until we get this whole thing situated.”

“It’s okay. As long as they’re safe.”

And it is. I don’t want to be selfish and have something bad happen to my parents. I’ve learned my lesson. I should have been safe with Luca and Viktor and I wasn’t. Not at all. If I lost my parents, I wouldn’t survive it.

“We’ll figure out something when this is all sorted. For now, keep the extra guards and set up more cameras around the place. I want to know who’s leaking information. Get Bane on it as well.”

Viktor nods and then disappears, obviously going to make sure everything falls into place.

“Alright, enough with Luca,” Anthony finally says. “Come here, Tatum.”

Luca huffs a small laugh. “You better go before I lose my fingers.”

I roll off his lap and press a kiss to his cheek before sliding into Anthony’s and snuggling against him. His arms go around me and he shifts me even closer. His tense body seems to loosen slightly at my presence, and I preen internally that I’m the one who can do this for him. That even though I’ve caused so much trouble, I do something for him, give him something back.

Even if it’s small. It’s something.

My gaze turns to Luca, and I see him staring off into the distance, smoke trailing from his lips in wisps. He looks haunted.

“Have any casualties been reported?” Anthony finally asks, and Luca shakes his head.

“Not yet. Waiting to hear from them. I think everyone got out though.”

Anthony lowers his voice and whispers to me. “Luca hates fire.”