Page 96 of The Silencer

Something niggles in my belly, something wrong and off, but I can’t put my finger on it. Then again, who wouldn’t want Angel? Maybe I’m just being illogically possessive of my friend. I don’t want him to end up hurt. I might have to burn the world down—or at least enlist Bane’s help to do so.

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

He beams. “I am. And I wanted to tell you sooner, once I knew the contract had been signed, but my dad made me promise to keep it to myself.”

“How outrageous. How long have you known?”

“Just a few days. I really did want to tell you. My dad just didn’t want you to know. Not yet.”

My lips curl down. “But now I know.”

“Well, it’s good because tomorrow I get fitted for a wedding suit and I will be purchasing some lingerie.” His cheeks darken as he peers up at me. “I—I’m going to have sex, Tatum. Oh my god.”

I clutch at him tightly and then pull him into a tight hug. “I’m glad you told me. I will murder your dad for keeping this from me. That must have been terrible, keeping this secret.”

“It was. I wanted to tell you forever. Well, it felt like forever. It was awful.”

“God. I hate your dad right now.” Angel snorts, and I squeeze him closely. “But I’ll be with you tomorrow. I’ll be there every step of the way. When does he arrive? Mikhail?”

“Day after tomorrow. I cannot wait to meet him in person.”

I nod and then link my fingers through his. “And when do you leave?”

His face falls slightly, but he perks up right away. “This weekend. Right after the ceremony. He’ll fly me to his…our home. I really wish I could stay longer. Diablo said he’s coming for the wedding, even though my dad told him to stay away for his safety. But he never listens.”

“Good for him. That was a ridiculous request.”

“Yeah, but…please don’t worry. Casey comes with me. It was part of the deal. He’ll be there, watching out for me, if things go wrong. Which they won’t. I promise.”

I feel something ugly shift inside of me. Not jealousy, but worry.

This can’t be good, it really can’t. And yet, how can I not be happy for my friend? He’s excited about this future he’s going to build with a man he thinks he’s in love with.

I can be supportive. I can. Even if I disagree.

“I want to come visit you. Right away. As soon as I can.”

He nods and then starts to bounce on his toes. “I honestly can’t wait to have my asshole obliterated.”

I let out a laugh and he joins me, the two of us wheezing until our eyes leak with tears.



Mikhail arrives two days later. He cuts through the room with his expensive suit and shoes. He’s tall with short brown hair and a square jaw, his blue eyes alert and sharp. Despite his outward appearance, strong and handsome, I don’t trust him. The way he moves, the way he speaks is all so cold and calculating.

And yet, Angel sees none of it. He just blushes and fawns over him, clearly besotted with his soon-to-be groom. The wedding is tomorrow, and I’ve been avoiding Anthony, choosing to spend as much time as I can with my friend, helping him pack and pick out racy lingerie. But even when I’m with him, I can see that his mind is miles away. And when he leaves my side, he spends far too much energy trailing after Mikhail.

Mikhail, who spares him glances and small touches, but never giving him more.

He’s just shy, Angel said.

I don’t think that’s it at all. I have a terrible feeling about this entire thing.

A very bad, no-good feeling.

This is not a man in love. This is a man who is looking to get something and that something is not Angel’s heart.