Page 20 of Hard Limits

“Eric,” she whispered, pain in her eyes.

“It’s okay, beautiful. I’m right here.”

Her eyes flooded with tears and she wrapped herself around me. Her sobs echoed in the abandoned space, the sun had set, and in the darkness all you heard was the sound of a broken woman crying. I lifted her and looked back at the fucker who had gotten her here.

“Don’t think I won’t be back for you.”

I swept her up and into my truck, turning on the heat and grabbing a blanket I had in the back seat. I made sure she was warm and secure. Starting up the truck, I quickly drove us to the nearest hospital. She moaned beside me, but it comforted me because pain meant she was alive. Squealing into the driveway and startling a paramedic crew that was bringing in an injured person, I ran past them with Aracely in my arms.

Coming up to the desk, I must have looked crazy because Security surrounded me. Looking at the nurse, I pleaded. “Please, she’s been hurt and abused. Please,” I croaked out. My heart in my throat as I kept looking at the beautiful woman in my arms. I didn’t think I would get to her in time, and now, holding her, I knew I’d never let her go.

“Please,” I begged, and the nurse quickly shooed away the officers. She called for a doctor and they had her in a gurney within seconds, dragging her God knows where. As I followed close behind, I heard the Doctor state there was internal bleeding.

They went through a door and the nurse stopped me. “Where are they taking her?”

“The surgery ward.”


“She’s got internal bleeding, and broken ribs. She’s dehydrated and needs to be cared for immediately. Mr….”


“Mr. Halthorn, I’ll need you to take a seat in the waiting room. You realize the police may have some questions for you.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay, just take a seat. I’ll try to keep you updated.”

I paced for what seemed like hours. Back and forth, debating on whether or not to give Shane up. The police didn’t arrive until hours later. Just as they approached me, the doctor came out.

“Mr. Halthorn?”

“Yes!” I got up instantly, ignoring the officers who were watching me. I was used to it, I wasn’t a clean-cut man. I was big guy, my facial hair gave me a rough appearance, and my eyes were always wary, never friendly. I knew this and I didn’t give a fuck.

“Are you the patient’s family?”

I hesitated for a moment, and then nodded. “I’m the only family she’s got.”

The doctor nodded. “She’s okay. She has two broken ribs and a fractured wrist. She was battered and her torso has… bite marks. Injuries that will heal and we’ll do our best for her not to have any scarring. She was banged up pretty badly, and she has bruises on her head and neck. We’ll have to wait until she wakes to see in what mental state she’ll be in. There may be an incident of memory loss, but it should be temporary.”

“But she’s okay?”

“Yes. She will be fine, you can go in and see her if you’d like.”

I nodded, but as I went to follow her, the officers stopped me. “We have some questions for you first, Mr. Halthorn.”

I narrowed my eyes on them and made a quick decision. One that would save us both.

“He’s on Bowers street, the abandoned building on the corner. He’s bound and probably bleeding out, and yes, I shot him. I have a concealed weapons license and he was causing harm to another, so I found myself in the position to use it. Any other questions?”

I stood eyeing them both and they just stared down at me. “We’ll be back later to get the lady’s statement.”

“You do that,” I shoved passed them and rushed down the hallway.

Stopping at her door, I took a deep breath. I was going to need all my strength for what was to come.