“If you’re gonna pull that trigger, you pull it, cause I’m not leaving here without you.”
“Four,” she cocked and pulled again. This time the shot grazed my boot.
I pointed a finger at her, backing up a step. “I’m not leaving here without you!”
“Five!” She shouted, pointing the rifle up at the sky and firing it.
“The next time you Bastards come to my house I’m firing at anything that moves. You let my brother know that. Six,” she stated, firing at my feet.
I jumped and backed up. “You’re one fiery little lunatic, I’ll give you that.
“I suggest you start running. Seven,” this time she slowly aimed the barrel in my direction.
“I will be back,” I threatened, and I didn’t threaten lightly.
“Eight,” she said quietly, coming down to the first porch step.
“I swear this isn’t over!” I yelled, slowly backing up.
She brought her eye down to the scope of the rifle and let out a slow breath. Nine,” she whispered, and I didn’t wait. The woman had me running down the dark, dirt road as if the devil were at my heels. My boots slipped and I swerved down that beaten path that led to the hidden hangar. I never heard the number ten as I ran like a bat outta hell out of her view. I was cursing out loud as I got to the clearing.
“Hey man, you, okay?” Bandit approached from around the cockpit.
“That ain’t a woman, that’s a demon!”
“I thought you said she was a young girl?”
“Like I said, she’s a fucking demon. A lunatic!”
She wasn’t some young innocent girl; she was some wild fiery beauty who had me running like my life depended on it. But deep down I knew she’d have shot me. Holy shit, if anyone found out about this, I would never live it down.
“So, what do we do? You know we can’t go anywhere without her.”
“Grab your shit, we’re taking her.”
“What do you mean, taking?”
“That’s right, I’m taking her. I ain’t got time for this shit.” I glanced over my shoulder at him before rummaging through my bags. I pulled out a rope, a bandana, and a bottle of chlorophyll.
“Is that what I think it is?” Bandit asked, shocked.
“Don’t ask questions,” I stated.
“First off, why do you have chlorophyll in your bag?”
“Cause you never know when it may come in handy,” I brushed past him, putting the contents in a smaller bag.
“You know what, I don’t wanna know.” He shook his head and continued to follow me around the plane. “Secondly, are you sure this is the best way? I’m sure if I just rang the bell…”
I looked over my shoulder once more at him, taking off down the same beaten path I was running down just a few moments before.
“And what, ask her for some sugar?”
“I was thinking of asking her nicely to come with us. Maybe offer her some food.”
“She’s not a dog, Bandit.”
“Well, you can’t just order a woman around and think she’ll follow you. You gotta ask nicely.”