Page 83 of Sniper

He hums, unbuttoning his jeans, making my eyes move down at his movement, his pubic hair coming into view, and I bite my bottom lip.

My husband dislikes wearing underwear, and I can’t complain.

Chuckling, he removes his jeans, his hard member popping out.

My mouth goes dry, between my legs throb….

It’s been a few weeks, and yes, my side hurts, but I really, really want him. I always want him, and that’s something that will never change.

“Stop looking at me that way, Firecracker. You're still hurt,” he rasps, breaking me out of my trance, and I groan, making him chuckle.

Shaking his head, he walks over to the bed and climbs in, the mattress dipping under his weight. I expect him to pull me down as he leans over me, but I gasp when his hands grip my hips, and he lifts me, placing me on his lap, straddling him.

He doesn’t instantly put me down. Instead, he lines himself at my bare entrance and very slowly lowers me on his hard member, making me moan at the feel of him, tingles shooting over my entire body.

He sighs in contentment, holding me tight to him. I gently run my fingers along his jaw as he leans back against the headboard, holding me to him, my t-shirt-covered bump pressing against his abs.

Smiling, he runs his hands over my body before he moves them to the bottom of my top and slowly lifts it. I lean up a little, allowing him to take the material off and throw it away as I lean against him, my breasts touching his chest, my fingers going back to his jawline.

His eyes soften as he runs his fingers through my hair, gripping the back of it, and forcing my lips to his. I melt, closing my eyes, and I hum.

He smiles against my lips, pulling my head back a little, and he begs, “Talk to me, Firecracker….”

I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t know what to say….”

And it’s the truth, and honestly, right now, with my body connected with his, I can’t think of anything except for wanting to move my hips.

His eyes soften, and he pecks me again. “How about we start with the lies between us.”

I stiffen. “I, uh, thought we were just going to sweep them under the rug?”

He smirks. “And have you throw them back at me when I’ll undoubtedly piss you off again?” I grin at his words, and he sighs, admitting, “I don’t regret it, Rory, because I have you, I have our daughter, and we’re building our family.” Looking over me, he smiles. “When our daughter threw that milkshake at me, I honestly didn’t think my life was going to change until our eyes connected.” I smile, feeling my cheeks heat as my hands go to the back of his neck. He gently cups my jaw. “I never wanted a woman, an old lady. Heck, I didn’t even want kids, but then you entered my life, bringing that perfect little girl with you.”

My heart flutters with his confession. “Why was I so different?” I ask.

He grins. “You didn’t fawn over me.”

I grin back and admit, “I did inside.”

He chuckles, then sighs, holding me close, his hand tightening over my jaw.

He says, “You quickly became my whole world…fuck, Rory, the first time we met, I just needed to ensure you didn’t know who I really was.” His eyes turn sad. “Despite my love for the club and watching my parents growing up, women always want the patch…yet you had no idea.”

I smile at him. “And then I told you I hated MCs?”

He nods. “You did, and I panicked for a bit, until I came up with a plan….”

I smile, gently running circles with the tip of my finger on the back of his neck, and whisper, “You planned to make me fall in love with you. Put your ring on my finger, and babies….” I stop, my heart instantly hurting. Clearing my throat, I correct, “Baby, in my belly.”

His eyes tear a little, and he pulls me forward a little more and whispers against my lips, “I didn’t want to lose you, and honestly, Firecracker, I don’t regret my actions. The only thing I do regret is not marrying you sooner.” He gently presses his hand against my belly. “Babies, Rory. I put two in you, and fuck, it hurts knowing we’re only going to have one, but I’m grateful you didn’t lose him as well.”

I nod, grip his neck, and say, “I feel like I failed them both….”

He nods. “I know, because I do, too, Rory.” He wipes my tears away, then whispers, “She’ll never be forgotten, Firecracker. As our kids grow, they’ll know about her and how loved she is, and her brother will know he has a part of her with him.”

I nod, holding him tight. Sniffling, I rasp, “I have a confession….”

He raises a brow. “And what’s that, my beautiful wife?”