Page 72 of Sniper

Snake continues, “You all heard about Hairy, right?” They nod. “We allowed the Untamed to take him, even though he was our traitor, and I know it’s not the same because Aurora is one of you?—”

I cut in, “But she’s also one of us, she’s also mine. The kill is mine because she’s my heart and soul.”

The men are quiet momentarily before Piston says, “I feel like I failed her….”

I nod. “I understand, I do, but she doesn’t blame any of you. She had him in her ear for a year. He hit her, mentally abused her, and raped her every single day. She finally opened up to me this morning; he made her feel dirty, tainted, and the reason she didn’t tell me until realizing about the twins was that she was scared that I’d see her that way, too, that I’d want nothing to do with Autumn.” Their eyes widen. I finish off by stating, “She is my old lady, and I can honestly tell you, I haven’t got it in me to allow anyone in this room to get a hit on this fucker, including my father, who sees Rory as his daughter.”

Acid nods and rasps, “I want to witness it, at least; I want to hear his pathetic excuses as he pleads for his life for what he did to her. She’s my fucking sister in every way but blood, and what he did….”

His words trail off, and I nod, looking at Steel. He gives me a single prideful nod, rasping, "The player became the whipped, who would have thought it?”

The brothers chuckle, and I grin before looking at Piston. He seems indecisive; I can see his brain working from here.

It takes a few moments, but he gives me a single nod and commands, “Make it fucking hurt.”

I smirk and reply, “It would be my pleasure,” making him grin before the church door is slammed open, and we all turn.

Phil is being held up, blood pouring from his stomach, by an emotional Cannon who rasps, “Doc, please….”

Phil’s eyes start to close, and we all stand and rush toward him, but he puts his hand up weakly and whispers, “Juicy t-took R-Rory….”

Everything blackens, and the shouts sound like they’re underwater as Doc runs to Phil. I make eye contact with Tech.

We both move quickly, rushing out of the room into chaos, brothers running around getting the women and children to safety, and I look around the room, my eyes catching on Autumn being held by Momma, both crying. I run over to them as Tech runs to his room for his monitors.

I feel people behind me as I reach Momma. Autumn instantly sees me, screaming, “Daddy!”

She throws herself at me, and I catch her, holding her close as Acid rasps from beside me, “Fuck, she’s the spitting image of Aurora.”

Autumn cries, and I look at Momma. I rasp, “I need you to take Autumn to the bunker, just until we know what’s happened. If it's who I think it is, then he’ll be after Autumn next.”

Acid curses, “What’re the odds he’s been following us?”

I nod. “Most likely for years to see if she’d get in touch.”

I look at Momma, and she nods with a sob, and I hold my little girl tighter, kissing her head. I whisper, “I need you to go with Granny, Princess.” She keeps me close, crying louder, and I flinch.

I don’t want to leave her, but I have to find her momma.

Pitbull comes up to us and gently takes Autumn from my arms, holding her close as she cries. He rasps, “Go, brother, I have her. You know I’ll guard her with my life.”

The pull to grab her back is strong, and feeling my hesitation, Acid grips my arm, dragging me to Tech's room, Autumn’s screams hitting my ears.

With as much strength as I can muster, I storm into Tech’s room, my heart in my throat, demanding, “Please fucking tell me you’ve found something, brother….”

He nods once, and I walk over to him. Snake is making room for me, and I look at the monitor.

The cameras show Phil watching the gate, his brows furrowed at a black Ford halfway down the road. His hand is on his piece, his other on the radio, while my girl is oblivious as she climbs into my truck to grab Autumn's princess doll.

Fuck, I was supposed to grab it before church….

It happens quickly—the black car spins toward Phil as he grabs his gun but isn’t quick enough as a tatted hand reaches out the window with a pistol, shooting him. Aurora jumps, her eyes wide, and instead of running inside, she goes to run toward Phil to help him, making the men watching the video curse.

She doesn’t make it as Phil screams for her to run. Juicy suddenly appears in front of her and punches her with brass knuckles on, knocking her out, and my fury builds as a man who looks similar to Acid and Piston climbs out of the car, shooting Phil again. We watch as Juicy laughs, and the man, Axe, lifts my girl bridal style, throwing her into the trunk of his car.

I snap, “Tech!”

He nods and follows the cameras after the fuckers get in the car, laughing. Tech follows them through town, and I smirk when they pull into a familiar apartment building.