Page 93 of Tech

“Fuck, I think I got off easy, growing up with her watching me,” Tats mumbles, and all of us look at him with a raised brow, but he shrugs, and then looks back at my deranged mother, not at all bothered.

Nina screams, and we all look to see Momma has torn her panties.

“Uh, Momma…” I start.

Momma ignores me, then stabs the knife into Nina’s pelvic bone, and I gag as Nina screams the place down.

“According to this bitch,” Momma rasps, “her plan was to torture my grandbaby, just like this, until my son married her. Before you all showed up, she was in the middle of getting Trevor ordained. He was in the back room when the warehouse went up in flames.”

Anger spears through me, then suddenly shock.

“Well, at least that’s one problem we won’t need to deal with,” Smokey says, but I don’t take my eyes off what Momma is doing as she pulls the knife out of a passed-out Nina.

Momma throws water over Nina, then smirks at Nina, who’s coming ‘round again, before tearing the thin fabric bra off her body.

I furrow my brows, wondering what she’s about to do, before Nina’s nipple falls on the floor. Nina screams, and the brothers all wince in shock. Breaker’s, “Fuck, she’s more bloodthirsty than us,” echoing around the room.

“Fuck, Eagle, your woman is not messing around,” Bull supplies as Momma grips hold of Nina’s tongue and cuts it off as she screams loudly. As soon as it's off, Momma chucks it on the floor, and blood instantly starts to fill Nina’s mouth as she starts to choke on her own blood.

Momma holds her hand out toward Smokey, and he doesn’t hesitate; he gives her his lighter.

We all watch as Momma grabs the small can near the chair and opens it, the smell of gas hits my senses as Momma dips Nina’s hair into the can, and then flicks the lighter at the tip of Nina’s hair. It catches fire almost immediately, before Momma steps back until she’s pressed in my father’s arms, her back to his front, and he holds her tight, not giving a shit about her being covered in blood.

“Fuck, brothers, I really messed up,” Sniper gasps, trying to catch his breath as he rushes into the crowded room. We all look at him, but his eyes go to my mother, looking at the blood all over her face and front, then to the lighter in her hand, before looking at a burning, screaming Nina. His gaze then drops to the floor near Nina, seeing the cut-off body parts. He takes a step back. “Fuck Tech, remind me never to piss off your Momma.”

I nod, because yeah….

Wait, did he say he messed up?

I look at Sniper, his eyes on Nina but his body is tense, and is that…. Fuck me, he has a bite mark in his neck.

I snap, “What the fuck did you do, Sniper?” and he winces, everyone, looking at him as he looks down at his feet, trying not to make eye contact, looking guilty as fuck….

Aw, shit….

An hour later, I give Colt a nod and pat his back, giving him the okay to leave, and I go into my girl’s room. As soon as I open the door, her eyes connect with mine. Tears build in those beautiful light brown orbs of hers, and one by one, the ladies kiss her head, then my boy’s, before kissing my cheek and leaving.

As soon as Sarah shuts the door, I walk toward my family and announce, “It’s done, baby; Momma ensured she suffered.”

Her tears fall, and I rush the rest of the way toward her, and take her lips as my hand goes to my son's back, my other hand to her cheek, cupping it. Brook kisses me back before I pull back a little, press my forehead against hers, and whisper, “I want to forget about the past. As far as I’m concerned, Nina never returned, you and Momma always loved each other, you never left, and I never messed up so bad that I destroyed your trust and heart. I know it won’t be easy, but I want to move forward, Angel; we need to….”

I hold my breath as her eyes race between mine before she whispers, “I love you, James, so much.”

I smile, sighing in relief, then I take her lips again, pushing my tongue past hers and tasting her. A few minutes later, Alexander makes a noise, breaking us apart, and I look down, smiling.

This is it now, this is my life, and I couldn’t be fucking happier.

Well, maybe just one more thing would complete us….



“Brook, give me my grandson!” Carol snaps, putting her hands on her hips, and I chuckle, shaking my head.

“Momma Richardson, it’s his feeding time, and besides, I’ve only just got him back from my momma,” I reply with a smile, placing the bottle against Alexanders' lips. He wriggles a little, then instantly starts to suck happily.

I feel my stomach tug a little when I move my left arm, trying to get comfortable, and I wince, causing Carol to growl.