“And then, instead of seeing my point of view and trying to understand why I wouldn’t want to watch said child, you forced me to, and I ended up taking out my anger on that child.” I open my eyes as Momma leans forward. “You have thrown it in my face, day after day, how I trapped you, yet would get pissed if I reminded you what you did to me. I have given you everything; my body, my heart, my soul, a son, everything, and yet you threw it all in my face.”
Momma angrily wipes her tears while my father allows her to get things off her chest, things that have built up over the years, and my heart breaks for her as she sobs. “I lost my family for you; they disowned me. I hurt a child, and I nearly hurt our son's woman, all because of the trauma you put me through. Sign the papers, Eagle!”
I wince again. Hearing her call Dad his road name and not my darling, which I used to gag at but now suddenly miss, is fucking hard.
I don’t move as my father tenses further and further, then rasps, “I’m your darling, Carol. I always have been. Now if I have to hand my patch in to prove how much I fucking love you, I will. If I have to wait on you hand and foot, then fine, I’ll fucking do it, but I won’t lose you.”
Momma shakes her head. “It’s not enough. You need to sign the papers. Our son is starting his own family, and it’s time for us to move on from the pain. It’s time for me to move on from the pain and maybe start a new life.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck….
I feel my dad nod and internally groan, hoping he doesn’t fly off the handle.
“You’re right,” he agrees, and I look at him in shock, but he just smirks. “It is time to move on from the pain, but you’re wrong if you think you can leave and start a new life. I have loved you for thirty-two years, Carol, and I won’t lose you; I refuse. What I did was unacceptable. I don’t have any excuses. I shouldn’t have hurt you that way, I should have read your medical records like I did last week.” My father sits forward, and Momma’s tears fall. “I hurt you so much, you kept a miscarriage from me, our daughter, and you kept the fact you lost your womb because of it. You told me you had your tubes tied instead, worried what I’d say, and while you were trying to heal, I forced you into watching a child that made all that pain remain at the surface. I’m so fucking sorry I made you feel like you weren’t the love of my life, Carol, and that you had to go through that on your own.” My dad chews his bottom lip, and then admits, “I forced you to marry me because I knew you had every right to leave me. I hurt you in the worst way, and I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking you to give me two months.”
I tilt my head toward my momma, raising a brow, and Momma shakes her head and starts to decline, “No, I?—”
My father cuts in, “You live in the apartment you’ve rented, and you date me again for two months. If you can’t see yourself forgiving me in that time, then….” My father pauses, then grits out forcefully, “I’ll give you the divorce.”
Oh, fuck me…. My eyes widen, as do Momma’s.
“All I ask for, my Bumblebee, is two months to prove myself. We’ll date like we did before I allowed others to get involved with our relationship. You’ll get to know me again. But know this, if you want to continue our marriage afterward, then the past will stay in the past; our troubles, the trauma I caused you, we’ll put behind us. We’ll start fresh, and we’ll enjoy becoming grandparents. So, what do you say?”
I look at Momma, holding my breath, hoping and fucking praying she’ll agree, because my father, without her, will fall apart and become a shell of a person.
He’ll lose himself, and no one but Momma will be able to bring him back.
Five hours later, I’m leaning against my truck, watching my girl lock up her practice. She turns and rushes my way, flying into my waiting arms.
I sigh in relief, holding her tightly. She mumbles against my chest, “How’s your momma?”
I place my nose on the top of her head and smile, loving her kind heart.
I rasp. “She’s lost weight, holding a lot of guilt, and has decided to date my father…after he begged. He has two months to prove himself, or he has to sign the papers and let her go, though I’m not one hundred percent sure where she and I stand. I really hurt her, baby….”
Brook hums and assures, “She’ll forgive you, my love, just like you’re forgiving her, and as for your dad…she loves him, so she's willing to try, but she’s making him work for it.” I nod and feel her smile as her face goes to the crook of my neck. “Your momma isn’t a bad person; she’s traumatized and wanted to protect me and you. Your father should beg; she deserves to make him suffer for once, though I have a feeling, if she decides she still wants the divorce, then he’s going to kidnap her.”
I smile.
How in the fuck did I manage to get such an amazing, forgiving woman in my life, who has managed to overcome her fears?
Pulling back, I cup her cheek, the feel of her belly moving against mine making me smile.
However I managed to get her, it doesn’t matter; what does is that I’m never going to lose her again.
Brook – Eleven Weeks Later
“Morning, Brook,” Gracie says as I walk into the practice, making me look up from the paper in my hand.
I give her a smile. “Morning Gracie. Any walk-ins?”
She shakes her head. “Not yet, although China’s owner called and asked how dangerous it is if your dog ate three bottle caps whole.”
I groan, dropping my head back, wondering how this animal hasn’t been killed yet.
Shaking my head, I look at her and say, "Give me a shout when they arrive.” She nods, and I ask, “Is Aurora in yet?”