I thrust my hips a few more times, loving the spasms of her pussy walls around me, and I grip her tight, pressing my forehead against hers, my love for her hitting me like a train.
Our breathing is heavy, her breaths painting my lips, mine hers, as I gingerly move my hips, keeping my semi-hard cock inside her, not wanting to miss her heat.
Fuck, she feels amazing around me—warm, wet, and tight. I don't think I'll ever get enough of her.
I grip the back of her neck, making her look at me as our lips stay only millimeters apart, her eyes locking me in, sucking me into her gaze.
"You're my happy place too, baby," I whisper against her lips, and I kiss her hard, promising myself to never lose her as I move my hips again, wanting to swallow her moans.
Fuck, this girl owns me….
"Tech, how's the club's finances going?" Snake asks, bringing me out of my head and back into church, and I blink, all the brothers looking my way.
Crap…. How much did I miss?
I clear my throat, realizing they are all waiting for my answer, and state, "Good; since investing in Juggalos, our income has doubled." Snake nods as the brothers grin, and I continue, "I also heard Faith is leaving the state in four days. She's met a guy and has decided to leave with him."
The brothers all bang on the table in celebration, making me snort. The woman had become a pain in the ass.
She kept going against us brothers, attending events she wasn't welcome to, and going into club businesses. Then there were the consent calls and messages to me.
I can't fucking express how happy I am that she's met someone who apparently has money; she'll finally be out of our hair.
"Sniper, how's the garage?" Snake asks after the brothers calm down.
Sniper nods. "It's doing good. Sarah has officially taken over half the shop, but no one cares. Since adding the spray-painting center next door, income has doubled."
The brothers bang on the table again, and I smile. Sniper knew someone who was a good fucking artist, but they preferred spray painting cars and bikes.
It seemed like a win-win to build next to the garage and hire him.
Snake continues asking about each business, then goes on to the club fun run, where we travel from town to town, raising money for the local hospitals and homeless shelters. All brothers take part, and they bring whoever they want on the back of their bikes.
"The fun run is in ten weeks. Five other MCs will be taking part, including the Untamed, so if you want to take your women, be fucking prepared to bail them out of jail."
I wince at Smokey's words. The Untamed Hell Fire's old ladies are fucking crazy. They love pranks, and they are getting out of control.
Last week, Axel's old lady, Annalise, got Sarah involved in sending one hundred fucking vibrators to every club they are affiliated with. A few months ago, Brook managed to sneak into the offices and get all the addresses for our affiliated clubs because, as the idiot I am, I taught her some tech skills.
Big fucking mistake.
It was a fucking nightmare, a nightmare I wish for right now, because then it means she's here with me...
The brothers wince while the single ones smirk, which, let's face it, is hardly anyone now. Everyone is settling down. Fuck, even our VP, Smokey, who hasn't regained his memory yet, knows Liv is his girl. Well, his body does, and so does his heart. His head just needs to catch up.
I swallow hard, tapping my finger on the oval oak table, my eyes going to the devil burned into the middle. I need a plan to get my girl back, and like fuck am I happy going on this club run without her. I know Momma will try to convince me to take Nina, but that is not happening. I've only had one girl on the back of my bike, and that's my Angel, and like fuck is that ever changing.
Biting my bottom lip, I speak up and ask, "I need a favor, brothers." I look up from the devil brand and see every eye on me. I clear my throat. "I want to share the donations with a charity that helps rehome abused animals."
Breaker grins wide. "Let me guess; you're going to see that pretty vet of yours, and use it to your advantage?"
I chuckle as the brothers’ grins, and I confirm, "Yep. It's her favorite charity. She sees the animal's pro bono, and what better way to ensure she comes on the fun run with me?"
The brothers chuckle before, one by one, they all say “aye”, making me feel fucking grateful to have them by my side.
Snake bangs his gavel. "Well, that's settled then; we've just added another charity, and hopefully, it means our brother wins his girl back." I grin at his words. He states, "Alright fuckers, meeting dismissed."
He bangs the gavel again, and every brother stands, leaving the room. I stay seated and sigh, running a hand through my hair.