Page 31 of Tech

Breaker laughs as the door to the basement opens, and I groan when I see my mother storm in.

"Not now, Momma," I snap, and go over to the edge of the ring. I throw my wraps on the ground, and grab my bottle of water, taking a sip.

Momma glares at me, her suit—yes fucking pantsuit and heels—looking really out of place. Why she wears them, I'll never fucking know, because she hasn't worked a day in her fucking life.

"Don't talk to me that way. I am your mother, so you'll show me some respect," she snarls.

Breaker snorts, and I chuckle, stating, "Like how you showed Brook respect?" I raise a brow at her. "You knew I made her my old lady, and yet you still convinced Nina to give up her life and come claim a man who doesn't want her, especially when she's a fucking traitor to the club!" Momma's jaw clenches with anger, but I'm not done. "You sent that bitch to my room knowing my girl was bringing Ollie in. You set her up to hurt her and end us." I tilt my head. "I wonder how you'd feel if that happened to you, huh?"

She flares her nostrils. "Brook is a sweet girl, son, but she's only after you for your patch. Now, Nina has made mistakes. You didn't want her; you wouldn't touch her, and a girl has got to do what she has to do. It's time to stop moping over a girl who clearly doesn't want you, and grab hold of the girl who does."

I shake my head with a sigh and rasp, "Why do you want to see me so unhappy, Momma?" She flinches back like I physically hit her. I continue, "I love you, I do, but right now, all you’re doing is showing me that you want me unhappy. I love my life in the club, my role, and Brook. Yet you're trying to take it away, and why? Because Dad chose to stay in the club? If you hated club life so much, then maybe you shouldn't have gotten pregnant by a brother, and we both know Brook doesn’t want me for my patch; she wants me for me."

Her eyes mist. "I don't hate club life, baby, I-I just…" I tilt my head at her and wait, and she scoffs out a laugh. "Do you know how heartbreaking it is to see the man you love have women throw themselves at him, and him not push them away?"

Breaker and I both sigh, seeing where she's coming from.

She shakes her head. "Do you know what it's like to have a man accuse you of trying to trap him?"

What the…?

I step forward. "What the fuck are you talking about, Momma?"

She shakes her head, again. "It doesn't matter, darling. I just thought you would have had a better life if it wasn't within the club. I didn't have a say in it while you were growing up…. Nina, she isn't part of the club, and she's not a patch chaser?—"

I cut in, "Just a whore who wants to be kept?"

Momma winces. "I thought maybe she had changed. I'm sorry, darling, and I’m sorry Brook got hurt, but I know she's okay with you staying in the club, and I can't have that. This isn't the life I wanted for my child, and in the end, you'll just hurt Brook more than you already have. At least, if you hurt Nina, I’ll have a clear conscience."

I swallow hard, her words hitting me hard. Surely, she doesn’t think I’d hurt Brook to the point of causing her pain.

"Momma, the club is my life, Brook is my life. I'd never hurt her," I rasp.

Her tears fall, and she whispers, "I know, but I think Nina would be a better fit for you, son. I think you need to give her a chance and get away from here; get away from men who think it’s okay to hurt, manipulate, and blackmail women. Besides, if Brook loved you so much, she wouldn't have given up so easily."

With that said, she turns and leaves, the door slamming and echoing in the room.

"Fuck, brother, she's a woman on a mission," Breaker snaps angrily.

I nod and say, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do, brother. She thinks Brook is wrong for me, and why? Because she won't convince me to leave club life? Because she didn't fight for me after seeing a woman kiss me?" I look his way. "She is terrified of commitment, of giving herself fully to someone. Over a hundred calls, and she's ignored them all because she's scared. She doesn't understand giving someone your heart, giving them a chance to put you in so much pain it destroys you. I was fucking getting her to understand it’s all worth it in the end. I won't let Momma win. Whatever fucked her up when she and Dad got together, I won't let it drive my girl away, even if I have to fight for years for her."

He nods. "We'll help as much as we can. We won't let you lose her."

I give him a nod before jumping from the ring. I grab my phone and grind my back teeth. I see no messages or calls from Brook, only from Nina, which means Momma's stepping up her game by giving her my number.

Shaking my head, I block Nina's number, and bring up Brook's. It rings several times before her voicemail hits, and I sigh, waiting for the beep.

Swallowing hard, I rasp, "I miss you, Angel. Please call me back. I love you."

I hang up, squeezing the phone in my hand.

She can run, but she can't hide. I won't lose her.



I smile from the stands as Josy speaks to her friends, each helping the other put on their swim hats. I returned from California a few days ago. Unfortunately, while I was there, instead of enjoying myself and learning new techniques to make me a better vet, I spent the time trying not to cry.