The week before, he hotwired his dad's dirt bike. Now that shit was funny, though his momma didn’t laugh, instead she scolded Peter and I for laughing about it. Fuck, even Brook tried her hardest to look stern, but her lips kept twitching.
Locking my room, I head into the common room, my eyes on the door.
As I walk through the packed room, Momma asks loudly, "Where are you going? Dinner will be ready soon…."
I sigh. The old ladies like to make a massive dinner once a month, but I have a better option this month, an option I refuse to cancel, especially when Josy threatened my balls if I hurt her sister, which means I will show up tonight because I won’t do that shit to my girl. Although, I’d bet my fucking bike, it’s more Josy who will be upset, which in hindsight, will piss my girl off, so I won’t win either way.
According to Mr. Summers, it's not the first time Josy injured a man for her sister, and I can guarantee it won't be the last. Ollie is just the same. They both adore my Angel, and I don't blame them. These past two months have been spent getting to know her, watching her with the animals, the passion that overtakes her, and her love for Shadow and her three pups…. She’s everything to me, and I feel like I can’t breathe without her. Her coconut scent, her light brown eyes, plump lips that tilt in a smile, and her button nose….
Fuck, I'm a goner.
I give Momma a smile as my father grins wide, knowing where I'm going. Everyone does, but Momma doesn't want to accept it.
She knows Brook won’t make me chose her or the club, and Momma hates it. I fucking wish she’d help me understand why she hates the club, especially when she’s still with dad.
Sighing, I tilt my head toward Momma. "I'm off to Brook's for a BBQ. I'll be back later tonight," I say.
The brothers grin at me while Momma glares.
She and Brook have met. I brought her to the club's family day last month for the first time, and everyone fucking loved her except for Momma.
She claims Brook is too snobby and a patch chaser, yet if she met Brook’s parents, she wouldn't think that. Her father is covered in tattoos, just like us, and swears like a sailor, and her momma, though not her birth momma, is amazing but the woman has no filter. I can guarantee they’d get on like a house on fire, if Momma would just let go of this notion that I need to be out of the club life.
I’m not stupid, she knows Brook isn’t what she’s accused her of being, it’s just an excuse.
I don’t get Momma’s mind and, right now, I’m tired of dealing with her delusions.
Both Brook’s parents have expressed her reluctance with loving and relying on someone. They don't understand where her fears have come from, but I'm helping her overcome them and making sure that I'm all she can think about.
She's mine, just like I'm hers, and Momma needs to accept that.
"It's family dinner night, James," she snaps, and I shake my head as Dad sighs, knowing she just fucked up. Snake, our prez and my best friend, smacks his forehead, knowing he's going to have to punish her.
Fuck’s sake.
Groaning, I tilt my head back and say, "Fuck’s sake, Momma, you know to use my road name; otherwise, you'll be banned from the club for a month. You know it, so use it, Momma.” I look at her and state softly, “I know it's family meal night, but Josy invited me and Ollie gave me puppy dog eyes. I'm not letting them down, and besides, I haven't seen my girl since yesterday. I'm going to their BBQ. End of. You wanted me to have a woman and stop sleeping around, and I now have one whose family have accepted me with open arms. Be happy, yeah?"
She scowls and my dad sighs. The brothers and old ladies look at her with furrowed brows, confused at her behavior.
No one can understand her disdain for Brook. Honestly, my girl hates coming here because of it. They've met once, fucking once, and that was it; Brook hasn't been back since.
I shake my head and pat Sniper's back, and I murmur, "Get ready for the drama."
He nods and then asks, "Can I come?"
I chuckle but nod, knowing he's welcome, especially with Ollie, though Brook is still pissed at her dad after hearing about him trying to set the two up, even knowing about his manwhore behavior in high school. I may have snapped at the man myself, unintentionally, a few days later, when I'd popped around the farm, wanting to see Brook again and noticed her father on the tractor.
It's how he knew I was making his daughter mine, and it's safe to say, he was happy about it.
Sniper grins wide and quickly gives his momma a kiss on the cheek, making her smile. She’s not at all upset that he's missing family dinner, unlike mine, who steps forward.
Her face goes red, and she snaps, "Everyone is always here for family dinner!"
I raise a brow and look around the room before stating, "Funny, Momma, I don't see Tats here. Now, why would that be?"
She flinches, and I look around the room again, and all the older generation brothers look down with guilt.