Page 45 of Tech

I didn't mean for him to think Ty was my date. I was going to speak to him like Breaker suggested ,and tell him about him, but then I saw Nina hanging off his arm, and backed away.

I backed away.

Sniffling, I slowly get up, ignoring the soreness in my muscles and the sharp pain in my ribs.

Violet told me that one was cracked and would take four to six weeks to heal.

Last night, I didn't even feel it; that's what James does to me; he clouds my senses so he's all I think of, so, he's all I can feel, and now he's gone….

Now I feel empty.

Slowly, I walk to my bathroom and turn on the shower. I don't wait for the water to warm up. Instead, I climb in, place my hands against the shower wall, and put my head under the cold spray.

I let out a few sniffles before full-blown sobs wrack my body, and I cry, wishing he hadn't left when I was asleep, wishing he was still here holding me tight in his arms.

My safe place….

I stay in the shower until the water warms, and then goes cold again, before climbing out. I look in the mirror as I wrap a towel around my body. My eyes are puffy and swollen, and my bruises are yellow.

Shaking my head, I turn around and head back to my room, straight to my closet. Gingerly, I dry myself, put on a pair of leggings, and grab James' hoodie.

Making my way to my living area, I curl up on my couch. Visions of James' ocean blue eyes hit me, and I sob hard, wishing things could be different.

The pain I never wanted to feel consumes me. I feel like I can't take a breath, and knowing I've lost him slowly tears me apart.

I curl tighter into myself, ignoring the pain in my side, sobbing.

This is how Ty finds me a few hours later, only with Sammy and Shadow curled around me.

The next day, I’m reluctantly in my office while Ty goes to help my momma and daddy in the fields. After checking my overnighters this morning, I examine eight dogs, two cats, and a goat.

I can safely say I'm tired but content being around animals, even if my heart calls out for her love.

Dammit, two hours without thinking of him….

Blinking away the sudden tears filling my eyes, I wash my hands, and head to my office.

The practice is closed for lunch, and I'm actually hungry.

When I get close to my office, a funny feeling hits me; my stomach tightens, my heart races, and I know who it is instantly—James.

Slowly, I open the door, and my breath catches. James is standing behind my desk, looking at the photos.

God, he looks so good. His hair is messy as always, and he’s in his usual tight jeans and black T-shirt that show off his muscles, his cut covering it. What gets my attention, though, is his beard, which frames his mouth.

My fingers itch to run through it, to feel it prickle against my skin like two nights ago.

"This was a good day," he rasps, looking at the picture of him and my siblings on his bike.

It was a good day; he taught Ollie to ride his motorcycle.

I clear my throat, and whisper, "You were gone…." ignoring his words. I need to know why he left.

He hums as he looks up but freezes, and I flinch at the sudden coldness in his eyes before it clicks—I forgot about my face.

His face goes red as he slams the picture on my desk so hard I’m surprised it didn’t shatter, and stalks my way. I don't move back. I know he won't hurt me; he loves me.

We have other forces against us.