Page 31 of Hawk

He was so sure of the words he spoke that I believed him, and that terrified me despite how impressed I was with him in that moment. “So what you’re saying is that there’s someone else who wants to kill me? Great.” I snorted to cover up the thunderous heartbeat I was sure the whole neighborhood could hear. I snatched another piece of pizza and took a big, unladylike bite.

“No. I think somebody wants you scared as fuck. I’m just trying to figure out why because it might help me figure out who. This looks personal.”

Watching the way his mind worked was fascinating, and I couldn’t look away even though I probably looked a hot mess with still damp hair and ratty old leggings. “You’re like a detective.”

“Except I get the job done. So, any pissed off patients? Angry ex-lovers? Jealous nurses or love rivals? A particularly memorable asshole you cut off in traffic?”

I thought about his question carefully because I wanted to give him an honest answer. “I do piss people off on a regular basis, but because it’s good for them, not in a way they hold grudges and try to kill me. When people leave the ER, they usually go on to other doctors. And nurses.” My hands shook. “Shit, not enough that they’d want me dead.”

Hawk reached out again and put his hand over mine, squeezing gently. “I’m sorry for scaring you, but I need you to be more careful, Laura. The most dangerous enemy is the one you don’t see coming.”

He was serious, and that seriously worried about me. I tried for a laugh I didn’t feel. “You’re doing a terrible job of not scaring me.”

His laugh was more genuine, deep and sexy. “Eat your pizza.”

I pouted over the half-eaten slice in my hand. “I don’t like you bossy when you’re fully clothed.” The words just flew from my mouth, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of taking them back, especially when his gaze darkened and filled with heat.

I felt his hands all over me as real as if he was touching me right there in his kitchen. “Good to know.” There was a promise in those three words that I had it on good authority he would absolutely follow through on.

If I let him.

Who was I kidding, I would.

Yeah, living with this sexy biker was a terrible idea.

Terrible, but also so much fucking fun.

Chapter Fifteen


I blinked a few times until my vision cleared enough to realize it was late, middle of the night late, and I’d fallen asleep on the sofa, which was something I rarely did. Most nights I was at the clubhouse until late, but for the past couple of nights I’d had a house guest. A beautiful, tempting house guest whose curves were currently pressed up against me.

Laura fell asleep first while we were watching a movie she’d picked out, and I agreed because I couldn’t seem to say no to her. It was such a domestic fucking sight that if it was one of my brothers, I would have mocked them. Hell, I had mocked them. Each and every one of them. But that wasn’t what I was thinking when she curled against me with her popcorn while I ate my chocolate covered nuts. She felt so good I didn’t even know what movie she picked. My mind was focused on her plump tits pressed against my arm, her feminine scent burrowing into the depths of my brain until it was its own memory.

She fell asleep, and sometime after, so did I. And now, here we were.

It was dark outside, and the house was quiet, but as much as I loved this sofa, it wasn’t a great place to sleep. I slid a glance to Laura and smiled at her sleeping form before I stood and scooped her up into my arms. I could’ve woken her up, but dammit, I wanted an excuse to hold her.

The minute she was in my arms, Laura snuggled close and let out a soft moan. I had to stifle a moan of my own and clench my jaw tight. She was irresistible even in sleep, so I walked a little faster to her bedroom. I needed to keep her safe, and even though I’d fucked her once, I wasn’t sure continuing to fuck her was the right thing for either of us. If I was distracted or too emotionally involved, it could cost her, which was exactly why I never got too involved.

Her scent tickled my nose as I laid her on the bed and removed her hot pink sneakers. That was when she began to stir. “Hey, you.” She smiled as she stretched out her limbs.

I sat back on my haunches and smiled. “Hey, there, sleeping beauty. Good nap?”

A laugh bubbled out of her. “Yeah. Sorry about that, I’m rarely the one who falls asleep during a movie.”

“No harm,” I told her with a shrug.

“Not yet,” she purred. “But I had big plans tonight. I wanted to seduce you, but I was too tired, and you make an excellent pillow.”

Fuck. My cock stirred to life at her words, the dark look in her eyes. “Maybe another time.”

“Yeah, maybe. Then again.” She sat up and reached for the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head before tossing it at me. “Now is another time.”

There was no mistaking her words or her intent, and she was so fucking pretty as she sat in her bed, and I knew there wasn’t a goddamn thing I could do about it.

“Tick tock, Hawk.” A throaty laugh escaped as she crooked her finger for me to come closer.