Page 22 of Hawk

Hard and deep and he didn’t let up, not in speed or intensity, not even when I begged him to slow down. “Hawk,” I begged. I didn’t want it to end too soon, didn’t want this night to end quickly.

“So fucking tight. So wet.” He smiled through gritted teeth. “This pussy is heaven,” he panted. “I can feel you pulsing around me, sucking my cock like a greedy little girl.”

I pulsed even faster, and my pussy flooded with moisture.

Hawk grinned. “You like it dirty.”


He grabbed my thigh and lifted it higher. “Love this greedy little pussy, gripping my cock so beautifully. Next time I want those lips on my cock.”

Those words shouldn’t have turned me on, especially asking for oral sex. It was such a turn-off, but when Hawk said it like that, as if he’d been dreaming about it, I wanted it too. I wanted it so badly that I could almost taste him on my lips and my pussy clamped down hard around him.

And then I felt it, my second orgasm rising to the surface, which never happened. “Hawk, I’m close again.”

He flashed a cocky smile. “I know. I can feel how close you are.” He reared back and licked his index and middle finger before he smacked my clit and then rubbed wild circles on the sensitive nub while he pounded into me, hard and fast.

In seconds I was coming apart, breaking into millions of pieces while he kept fucking me until he found his own pleasure, his hot seed shooting straight from his cock and coating my insides. He was so big, so thick I felt his orgasm pumping through him as he filled me up. “Holy fuck, Laura. Shit.” His body shook and trembled, and before he collapsed on top of me, he rolled to his side and brought me with him. “That was insane.”

“Insanely hot,” I offered with a nervous laugh. It was beyond insanely hot. It was the kind of sex you read about in books. The kind of sexy you were sure other couples had but never you. But I had it. Just now with a sexy biker who I had no business getting naked with. “You made me come twice.” I couldn’t help touching him, letting my thumb scrub back and forth along his jawline.

“I did. But you said it wrong.”

My brows knitted. “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” he said, and pulled me close, grunting when my aftershocks gripped him again, “I made you come twice so far.”

I shivered.

He laughed.

And an hour later he made good on his words and made me come again.

And again. And again.

Chapter Eleven


It had been two days since I saw Laura, since I heard her voice and touched her silky soft skin. Two goddamn days and I was going crazy even though I’d called and texted her just to make sure she was good. Safe. That nobody had been following her or threatening her. She said she was fine when she got home last night after working an accidental double shift, so I assumed she would spend most of the day sleeping.

That worked out just fine for me since I needed to get some shit done at the clubhouse. There was always shit to be done there and at all the businesses we ran around the city. With Los Ochos extorting other local businesses, we needed to see what the fuck else they were up to in our town.

When I arrived at the clubhouse, nearly everyone else was already there except Diesel, who was usually the last one to arrive. “Slate, what’s up?”

He looked up with the same satisfied grin he usually wore when his technological brilliance helped us out of a jam. “Got some useful intel on Los Ochos. The leader, Tomas Augusto, has his name is on three vacant warehouses in town. One is being used as a stash house for guns, drugs, and who knows what else.”

That perked my ears right up. “Are we gonna hit it?”

Rocky let out a loud bark of laughter. “See what love does to a man? He’s bloodthirsty for revenge.”

I frowned. “Who the fuck said anything about love?” I shook my head and tried to laugh off the insinuation. “Those fuckers are bad for business. All business. We need to let them know that.”

Maverick smiled and rolled his eyes. “Maybe we should try diplomacy first?”

“Fuck diplomacy. They didn’t give Mark Winchester a fucking chance and we all know that’s going to come back on us, some way, somehow.” And there was no telling who was next.

The door to our meeting room flung open and Diesel strolled in wearing a smile that said his woman sent him off well satisfied. His boots fell heavily on the floor as he crossed it and took the seat across from Slate. “We find anything on Los Ochos yet?”