I nodded. “I am. Steel Demons MC, which is why those assholes backed off, because they don’t want beef with us. That a problem for you?” She wouldn’t be the first woman who turned her nose up at a biker. There were, in my experience, two types of women, the ones who couldn’t wait to fuck a biker and the ones who wanted nothing to do with us. Laura seemed like the latter.
“What does pretending to be your old lady mean? And why do I have to be an old lady when I’m not even thirty yet? Not even close,” she shot back, tilting her chin high in the air.
“Old lady is just the term we use for our significant other, not to be confused with casual hookups and randos. Age is irrelevant. And pretending means we do all the public things a couple does and none of the private ones. Anything else?”
She shook her head and raked a hand through her silky blonde locks. “I’m not trying to be difficult, I swear. This is all new to me.”
“I get it, but I’m not looking to take advantage of you. We’ll be friends who hang out, grab meals together. You’ll see I’m not the violent jerk you think I am, and I’ll see you’re not as judgmental as you seem.”
She glared at me. “I am not… okay maybe I’m a little judgmental, but only when it comes to fighting.”
“And bikers?”
“No,” she sighed, and her shoulders fell forward. “I don’t know enough about bikers to make a judgment. I know there are outlaw bikers and then regular clubs. It’s yet to be determined which you are.”
I smiled. I couldn’t wait until she found out. “I’m not violent, I’m protective, and now we have time to dispel our initial thoughts, except about you being hot. That was right on the money.”
Her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink and she put both hands up to cover them. “This is just until all this madness is over, right?” She looked so hopeful that it would all be over sooner rather than later.
So I did what any fake boyfriend would, I reassured her. “Yep. Unless you fall in love with me before then.”
She rolled her eyes. “Well, the arrogance wasn’t a snap judgment, was it?”
“Not even a little bit.” I flung an arm around her shoulders and laughed. “Now, let me give you a ride to your car.” I pretended not to notice the way she stumbled at my words.
Chapter Four
I eyed the giant leather and chrome machine, admiring the way it gleamed under the sun and trembling at the sheer size of the beast. My eyes rounded in fear. “I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.”
The long-haired biker laughed and, dammit, the sound was low and deep and rich like chocolate. “Really? Never?”
“Never.” I folded my arms and stared at the damn thing as if it might bite me.
“Have you been in a car before?”
I nodded. “Obviously. Your point?”
“My point is that it’s no different, except you’re not driving. I am.” His green eyes sparkled like gems, his full lips kicking up into a lopsided grin. “Here, put this on.” He handed me a black helmet that I accepted but didn’t put on.
“What? I’m not putting this on, and I am not getting on this damn donor-cycle.” I glared up at him. “I don’t even know you!”
“I’m Dominic, but my friends call me Hawk. So does my pretend girlfriend.” His smile was friendly and unwavering. Patient.
“Why Hawk?” Who was this man I’d have to spend time with for the foreseeable future?
“Because I’m sharp, dangerous, focused, and I have damn fine plumage.” He shook his long, glossy hair and I swore it was like the sun changed its angle to showcase its brilliance, as reddish highlights gleamed in the light. The man could have had a starring role in a shampoo commercial. “Anything else?”
“No,” I sighed, and tugged the helmet on my head. “Nothing else. For now,” I clarified. “I’m hungry and my boyfriend is buying.”
His smile was bright and satisfied. “Happy to satisfy my woman’s appetite. Be sure to hold on tight, sweetheart.” He winked and got on the bike first and cranked the engine to life. “Use my shoulders to get up.”
I nodded, took a deep breath, and did as instructed. Before I knew it, the bike thundered underneath me and vibrated my whole body. My eyes slammed shut and I rested my hands lightly on his hips.
“Tighter,” he shouted over his shoulder.
“I’m fine,” I shouted back.