Page 66 of Hawk

I shoved the evidence file towards her, she got a forkful of eggs with one hand, and rifled through the photographs with the other. After swallowing her mouthful she said, “These could be faked, you know?”

I frowned, “It’s an official police evidence file from Eric’s unit. He’s not gonna do a photoshop number on me. Plus, Hawk explained what some of the photos were about, he didn’t deny them.”

Kristy looked up at me, “I love you Laura, but sometimes you can be so damn trusting. The man is a liar and an asshole. If he lies in one aspect of his life, then he’s gonna lie in others.”

I shook my head as I picked up one of the photos, it was one of Hawk, shirtless, that had been taken three weeks ago, going by the date stamp. Beside him there was a crate of guns.

He’d told me that he had club business that day, there was no glossing over the fact that the business involved gun running.

“Ain’t gonna lie, he’s a damn fine looking man,” Kristy said as her gaze followed mine.

I went to put the photo back on the pile.

“Wait, when was that taken?” she asked. Her breakfast now forgotten as she leaned forward.

“Three weeks ago,” I said pointing at the date stamp.

She grabbed the photo and waved it in my face, “Look!”

“What?” I asked, not sure what my friend was getting at.

“Your hot biker’s side. His damn fine, unscarred side,” she said triumphantly.

I still wasn’t sure what she was getting at, until it suddenly dawned. “He’s still got the scar from where I stitched him up in the ER. If this photograph was taken three weeks ago then he should have had a scar!”

“Exactly!” Kristy exclaimed.

My elation suddenly burst, “But what he’s doing in it, is still shady as fuck.”

“Forget about that for the moment. What this shows is that at least one photo has been faked, which means that your asshole ex is not above tampering with evidence.”

“But why would he do that?” I asked.

“I don’t know, to try and win you back? To make you think he was doing this recently? To try and cause trouble for your new man? You’ve got to talk to Hawk.”

I sighed as it slowly dawned on me that Eric might not be as clean as I’d thought, “Do you really think Eric would knowingly put me in danger?”

“I wouldn’t put it past him, I never liked the man.”

“I’ll call Hawk and tell him, though I’m worried he’ll do something crazy to Eric.” I felt like a wimp saying that out loud, and Kristy’s expression of disbelief confirmed that feeling.

“You did not seriously just say that. Did you?”

I rolled my eyes. “Not because I care about Eric, but because if they hurt him—or worse—all the law enforcement in the state will come after him.” Hawk could be hot headed, and I wouldn’t put it past him or his friends to go after Eric.

“Laura, bad guys who specialize in hurting people want to hurt you. Don’t be crazy. If this is Eric’s doing, then you need to call Hawk and tell him what we’ve found.”

“They haven’t come yet.”

The words came out too soon, because a furious hand pounded on the front door.


“I’ll get it,” I said as Kristy tried pulling me back. “Stay here.”

I rushed from the living room to the hall and opened the door, then regretted it immediately. My ex was standing on the porch with a revolver pointed at me. “Eric. What are you doing here and why do you have a gun aimed at me?” I said the words just loud enough for Kristy to hear, I only hoped she didn’t get all superhero on me and try to come to my rescue.

I was also hoping that she’d have time to alert someone as to what was happening. But then it dawned on me, she didn’t have Hawk’s number and who was she gonna call, anyway? The cops?