“Take your time.” I held her a little tighter while my gaze focused on the distance to make sure those assholes didn’t return.
A few minutes later, her tears slowed until they eventually stopped, and she looked up at me with red-rimmed eyes and pink cheeks. “Sorry,” she apologized, and took a few steps back while she dried her tears.
“Don’t apologize. Explain.”
She nodded, taking another minute to gather herself. “Okay. There’s this man Mark who owns the bakery next to that antique bookstore, do you know it?”
“Yeah, his garlic knots are the best.”
“Were the best,” she spat out. “Last Wednesday, I was walking past on my way here when those guys were beating on Mark and saying he owed them money. He said he didn’t agree to that, and they just kept wailing on him until he collapsed on the sidewalk.” The words rushed out of her as if she couldn’t get them out fast enough. “I went to his side to help. He still had a pulse, so I tried to slow the bleeding from his head wound, and that’s when they came back.”
“Shit.” I took her hand, enjoying the soft, cool feel of her skin, and gave it a squeeze.
“I should’ve stayed and tried to help him, but I was scared, so I ran. I didn’t make it twenty feet before I heard the gunshot.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she relived the traumatic incident. “I looked back and one of them was looking right at me, so I took off running again, between buildings and alleys, hoping they couldn’t find me. Looks like they found me anyway,” she said on a bitter laugh.
“They might be assholes, but they’re motivated assholes.” Los Ochos weren’t big time, not yet, and the last thing they needed was to catch a body. “You know who they are?”
She shook her head. “Gang bangers?”
I laughed and shook my head because Laura was in way over her head, and she only had an inkling just how bad. “Los Ochos are a gang, sure, but they’re still trying to prove themselves. They are young and reckless and you, sweet Laura, are in a fuck load of danger.”
Her bottom lip trembled. “You got rid of them,” she stuttered, and swiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. “Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Laura.” Her name came out harsher than I intended, but she was starting to pull away, so sure that her problems were over.
“Look, I’m sorry for being bitchy the other day, but I really do appreciate your help today.” She tried for a smile, but it didn’t make it close to those pretty gray eyes.
“You don’t seem to understand, babe. They won’t hesitate to kill you to keep their secret, now they know where to find you.”
Her eyes went wide. “But you told them—”
“I did,” I confirmed. “And that’s why you’re still alive. But they’ll be watching, and if they even suspect you’re not really my old lady, they will take you out.” She gasped and I reached for her. “You’re safe as long as you’re with me.”
Her eyes widened so big I thought they would pop out of her head. “You’re fucking with me.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Is this because I turned you down?”
I let out a loud bark of laughter. “While you did sting my ego, I wouldn’t go this far. I promise.”
“Why did you help me?”
“Because I’m a nice guy. A little cocky, sure.”
She snorted. “A little?”
“Yep,” I answered gleefully. “Maybe too quick to fight for some people’s taste, but I am a nice guy.” And no matter what she said, I would keep her safe.
She folded her arms and cocked her hip to one side. “And dating you will keep me safe?”
My smile grew bigger at her skepticism. “No, but pretending to date me will keep you safe.”
“And that’s all this is?” she asked, motioning between us.
I shrugged casually. “Look, Laura, you’re beautiful and tough and I am intrigued as hell, but if you’re not interested, then I’m a guy who knows how to accept no for an answer.” To put her fears to rest, I dropped my hands onto her shoulders. “Even if it stays pretend, I will keep you safe. That’s a fucking promise.”
“But why would you do this when you don’t know me? I’m just the nurse who stitched you up.”
She was so adorable when she was clueless. “No, you’re a woman who helped a man who refused to be bullied. It’s admirable and you don’t deserve to die for doing what any decent fucking human being would.”
She eyed me carefully, finally taking note of my cut and the patches. “You’re a biker?”