Her gaze narrowed to slits. “And being an asshole is going to help sell it?”
I shrugged. “We’re adults. We can do what needs to be done, right?” Being around Laura and not being able to touch her was pure torture, but we needed to get out into the world and be seen by our enemies. Everyone was operating under the assumption that the club was in trouble, and my brothers insisted that we go out and be seen to end the rumors. “There’s a juicy steak with your name on it if you can.”
“I can buy my own damn steak,” she said, and stomped to her room. Fifteen minutes later, she returned wearing all black that hugged her curves and made my mouth water. I wanted to touch and taste her all over. The damned temptress knew what she was doing.
Torturing me. “Perfect. Let’s go.”
Without a word, Laura followed me out to my bike, casting a quick glance at her car that was now fixed, and hopped on the back of my bike. She held on tight on the way to the steakhouse, enjoying the scenic, peaceful ride.
“This seems like a lot for a fake date,” she leaned across the table to whisper when the waitress left us with menus.
I looked up from the menu. “It’s not a fake date. We’re here and we’re having dinner together. It’s a date.”
She blinked, her long lashes brushing her cheeks slowly as she processed my words. “Okay, then.”
Dammit, I missed her. I saw her every damn day but the distance between us was so great we might as well be on opposite sides of the planet. I took her to work and picked her up, but we hadn’t truly spent any time together. I hadn’t tasted her lips in far too fucking long, or the rest of her for that matter, and the signs of withdrawal were kicking in.
“What’s going on, Hawk?”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” she pointed at my face, “what are you thinking right now?”
I debated for about half a second whether or not to be honest or brush off the question. Her earnest expression urged honesty. “I’m thinking that it’s been too fucking long since I’ve had your pussy on my tongue. Too long since I’ve felt you clamping down around my cock as you come with my name falling from your lips.”
Her breath hitched and she shook her head. “That was your choice, not mine.”
My lips pulled into a tight smile. “That’s revisionist history.”
Laura shook her head and fell back against the booth. “I don’t recall having much choice in the matter, when I think about it.”
“Same,” I shot back. “Your lack of trust brought us to this point.”
Her response was to lick her lips, a move she had to know would drive me fucking insane. “We can agree to disagree.”
“Or,” I said over the top of the menu, “you can tell me that you fucking trust me. That you don’t think I’m a slimy piece of shit.”
“I don’t think that, Hawk. Not ever.”
There was some relief in that reply, I supposed, and we managed to relax over steak and potatoes for me, and surf and turf for her. “I’ve missed you, Laura.”
Her lips parted beautifully, and her eyes lit up. “I’ve missed you too, Hawk. Not just your cock, but also your friendship.”
My heart caught in my chest at her words. “Good to know.”
Her satisfied smile sat with me for a long while as I browsed the drinks menu and made my choice.
“Have you figured out who it is screwing with you?” Her question came out of the blue since I hadn’t talked to her about any of my personal troubles.
My brows dipped low, and my mouth tightened in surprise.
“Ellie and Peyton told me that you’ve been having some troubles in the MC. Is it because of me?” Her guileless gaze bore through me, and I wasn’t sure how to respond.
I shrugged and sat back, taking a pull from my beer. “I don’t know whether it’s because of you or not. My guess is Los Ochos, but I can’t be sure.” I refused to lie to her, but I didn’t want her to shoulder all the blame.
“Is there anything I can do?”
I nodded. “Just trust me to keep you safe. Or, you know, just trust me. Both would be good.”