Page 41 of Hawk

Chapter Nineteen


At some point in the night, Laura and I finally made it to my bed, where we got lost yet again in one another. It was a marathon of fucking that left me feeling so good that I didn’t give a damn about the sun attempting to blind me. Mostly. I turned to my side, inhaling the fruity scent of Laura’s shampoo, smiling when she snuggled closer to my chest.

A soft, sleepy moan escaped, and she settled in for a longer sleep which was fine by me, except I was pretty sure she had to work because she was always working. I woke up a few hours later with a raging hard-on, but a quick look at the clock on my nightstand told me she needed to get up soon. “Laura, wake up, sweetness.”

“Fine,” she mumbled. “But I’m on top this time.”

I bit back a laugh at where her mind had instantly gone before leaning forward to press a kiss to her bare shoulder. “You can be on top whenever you like, but if you want to ride my cock now, you’d better hurry before you’re late to work.”

Laura’s body stiffened and she blew a tuft of hair from her face, showing off one gray eye as it opened. “What time is it?”

“A little after eight.” An ungodly fucking hour if ever there was one.

She pushed herself up to a seated position and glared at me. “What day is it?”

“I don’t know, Wednesday or Thursday?”

Her head fell forward onto my chest and she let out a slow, relaxed laugh. “You don’t know what day it is?”

My eyebrows furrowed. “Neither do you, smart-ass.”

Her lips pursed into a thoughtful frown and then she laughed again. “Good point. Doesn’t matter what day it is because I’m not going into work today. I’m unfocused and that’s how people get hurt. Or worse. I’m useless there, so I’m hanging around here for a few days. I never take personal days, but for the sake of my patients, I need to.”

It was my turn to sit up. “Did something happen?” She hadn’t said anything about more incidents at work, but she wouldn’t be taking time off work for nothing. “Well?”

“Don’t get all bossy on me,” she said, poking me with one oddly strong finger. “No, Hawk, nothing else happened, but after the red car incident, I’m too worried to focus on the job.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, Laura.” The last thing I wanted was for any of this shit to impact her life. It was why I offered her my protection.

“It’s not your fault, Hawk. It’s my own anxiety getting the best of me, so I’m being proactive, taking a few days off before something bad happens.”

“Nothing bad is going to happen,” I assured her with confidence. “But since you’re free today, you can come with me.” Where the hell I would take her, I had no clue, but I had at least an hour to figure it out. “First, a long, hot shower. And then breakfast.”

Her gaze darkened and she licked her lips. “I like the way you think, Mr. Hawk.” She shook her head. “I spent all night with you naked, tasted every inch of you, and I don’t know your name.”

“Of course you do. Dominic Bennett, remember?”

“Nope. I only remember frequent flyers in the ER, which you are not.”

“Well, now you know my name. Again. Feel free to taste me all over. Again.” I smiled wide when a flush crawled up her naked body. My hands itched to touch her, but I vowed to wait until we were in the shower with hot water raining down over us.

“If you’re lucky, I’ll think about.” She arched one eyebrow at me and grinned. “Go get the shower started, nice and hot. I need to check in with Kristy first.”

“If you’re one minute late, I’ll start without you.”

“I’m not worried,” she shot back, her sassy smile teasing me in a way I didn’t have a reply to, but I wanted one. There was something about this chick that was so fucking compelling I could not get enough of her.

“You should be, because I’m an expert at what gets me off.” I pushed off the bed and made my way to the bathroom, but not before stopping and turning around so she could get an eyeful of my hard-on. “Tick, tock, sweetheart,” I said with a wink.

I cranked on the hot water, stepped inside, and soaped up my body while I waited for Laura.

Thankfully, she didn’t keep me waiting too long, and an hour later we were seated inside a greasy spoon diner that smelled like bacon and sugar. And heaven.

“Oh my god, this place smells amazing!” Laura grabbed my forearm as we walked inside and headed for a booth near the back with a window seat. “Is it weird that I want bacon and donuts?”

I laughed again, something I did a lot around the pretty nurse. “Not at all. You need to replenish a ton of calories.”