Page 25 of Hawk

“If I say yes, will you come over?”

I swung one leg over my bike. “On my way.” I wasn’t expecting to see Laura tonight, never mind spending the night with her, but now that it was a possibility, I was eager to get the night started.

“Wow, look who missed me,” she teased.

“Every fucking time I close my eyes, I can hear that sexy cry you make when I hit that spot you really like.”

She let out a strangled groan that turned into a laugh. “You and that mouth, Hawk.”

“I promise to use it on you when I get there.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” she shot back with a smile in her voice. “Better hurry. Food will be on the way soon.”

I wore a goofy fucking smile on my face that grew with every block that brought me closer to the smart-mouth nurse I was pretending to date.

Chapter Twelve


No matter what I did the next few days, irrigating a wound, stitching up a power tool accident, set a teenage skateboarder’s broken arm, my thoughts went back to Hawk and the night we spent together. Getting to spend the entire night wrapped in that big, biker’s arms was amazing.

A woman getting ideas because of a few good orgasms is so cliché, but this wasn’t that. Okay, it wasn’t just that. There was something about the way he touched me, something about the way he made me feel. Too fucking good. The big, sexy, long-haired biker was also a magician, and I just couldn’t get enough of him. No one had ever made my body feel like that, so hot that I wanted to peel my skin off, so out of my mind with want and need that I lost myself, forgot to worry about anything at all.

Even now, days later, I felt him all over. Shivers pinged around my body like a pinball, keeping me on the uncomfortable edge of desire and irritation for hours on end. How could it be that this man, so different from me in every way, was the one who made me feel like no one else ever had?

It didn’t make sense.

“Damn, girl, I have to know what or who is making you look like that.” Kristy sat down across from me inside the small break room, chin resting in her hand and a teasing smile on her face. “Spill, bitch.”

I rolled my eyes. “I was just thinking,” I lied through my teeth.

“Oh, that is such bullshit and we both know it. Tell me everything. Now.”

It wasn’t like me to keep secrets from my best friend, but I just wanted to keep this for myself for a little while. It wasn’t like it could—or would—go anywhere, but right now it was hot and fun, and just for me. “Kristy, it’s nothing. Really.”

“Lies,” she shouted just as a page sounded over the speaker system.

My shoulders fell when I heard my name being called. “Who in the hell would be paging me?” Usually, nurses didn’t get paged by name, and when they did, it was because a patient had taken a turn for the worse, or somebody was pissed off. “Gotta go.”

Kristy hopped up with a smile. “I’ll come with you. In case it’s the sexy biker. And if it’s not, in case you need backup.”

I tossed my head back and laughed before putting my coffee mug in the sink. “Now who’s lying?”

“That’s exactly why I’m coming with you. Let’s go.”

We exited the break room and headed down the hall in the direction of the nurses’ station where we updated charts and monitored patients when we weren’t actively with a patient. We turned the corner and a groan escaped when I caught sight of a perfectly styled blond head that belonged to my ex-boyfriend.

“Eric, what are you doing here?”

He flashed a smile at me that I used to think was oh, so charming before I knew better. He was a handsome man with golden blond hair and piercing blue eyes that only enhanced his chiseled jaw and dimpled smile. “Laura, how are you?” He took a step in my direction with his arms open wide like he was about to hug me.

I took a step back. “I’m fine. Why are you here?” Months had passed since I ended things, so it made no sense that he was here now.

“I heard about the killing you witnessed and the guys chasing you. Are you okay?” He reached for me again and frowned when I took a step back.

“I’m fine, Eric.” I took an extra step back to drive home the point that I didn’t want him to touch me. “I spoke to the detectives who are handling the case, which isn’t organized crime, by the way. They have what they need from me.”

“But you’re okay?” His eyes were wide, and his tone held a thread of worry, but again he reached for me.