Page 12 of Hawk

Hawk set the box on the floor and wrapped an arm around her. “I hate that this happened to such a good man. We need more people like him around here.”

She nodded against his chest and clung to his t-shirt.

I was surprised at how gentle he was with Mark’s widow, and it was yet another side of the biker that I had to reconcile with my first impression.

“The kids really loved him,” I added, because it was something I would want to know about my husband. “He taught them that baking wasn’t just for women, that there was a science to it as well. They all respected him.”

“Thank you for saying that.” A few minutes later she got a handle on her emotions and pulled back. Her gaze settled on Hawk first, his vest and the patches, and then on me. “I know you. Sort of.”

Hawk grinned. “You helped wrangle things at the clothing drive we did a while back.”

“Right. The bikers who help the community.” Her smile was genuine. “Mark really admired you guys.” Melanie motioned for us to take a seat. “How can I help you, Dominic?”

Hawk nodded and scrubbed a hand down his face before he blew out a breath. “Laura was there when Mark was killed. She tried to help him, but the guys came back and chased her away.” He turned to me, and I guessed it was my cue to jump in with the story.

“They beat him up pretty bad, and since I’m a nurse, I instinctively went to help. He refused to pay whatever they were asking, and they just kept beating him.” I shook my head and closed my eyes. “They had their faces covered and I just ran. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but I was so scared.” Guilt overwhelmed me at the admission. “I’m so sorry.”

“Why didn’t you go to the police?” There was no recrimination in her voice, and that only made me feel worse.

“I did, but there wasn’t anything I could say that would help. They were all in black and wearing masks. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.”

Hawk rested a hand on my thigh. “Yesterday, they attempted to kidnap her to keep her from talking. They must have thought she knew more than she did.”

Melanie gasped and both hands flew to her mouth. “I am so sorry.”

“So am I, Melanie. I haven’t gone to the police because I don’t know what to tell them. They couldn’t do anything the first time. Do you have any idea who they might be?”

“Not specifically, but a man came into the bakery a few weeks ago and said we owed them twelve hundred dollars a month for protection, which we didn’t ask for. They were insistent, but so was Mark.”

“He was a good man. I didn’t know him well, but he was a standup guy who only wanted the best for the people in his community. I wish I could have done more.”

Melanie nodded and turned to Hawk. “Are you going to do something about them? Our business isn’t the only one who owes those guys. Even if they’ve managed to pay, they won’t be able to for much longer. It’s robbery.”

Hawk nodded. “I can’t promise anything, Melanie, but we are looking into it as of right this fucking minute. Can I ask, if you know, why no one came to us about this?”

“We were warned to keep our mouths shut, or else.” She let out a bitter laugh. “What can they do to me now?”

“You’ll be safe. One of us will keep an eye on you and the shop until we figure this out. But please, if you have any problems, call us. It’s no trouble.” He stood and picked up the box. “The girls brought you some meals and other stuff to make this time easier for you. Nothing will bring back Mark, but I hope this helps.”

“Thank you. Both of you.” She swiped away more tears and stood. “This is incredibly thoughtful.”

“Of course,” I told her. “If you need anything, feel free to call. I work long hours, but Mark was one of us and he’d want me to be here for you.”

“Thank you. If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know.” She walked us to the door, her sadness palpable. “Thank you again.”

“That was really kind of you,” I whispered to Hawk when we were back inside the car.

“Like I told you, I’m a really nice guy.” He flashed a smile and started the car. “Hungry?”

I weighed my options. It was entirely too appealing to spend time with this version of Hawk and I needed to be careful. “I could eat.”

Tomorrow. I would be careful tomorrow.

Chapter Seven


For the past two days we did a deep dive into Los Ochos. Until this point, they haven’t been anything for the Steel Demons to worry about, but now that we’re forced to worry about them, it was time to find out everything we needed to know. To that end, all the brothers gathered for an impromptu MC meeting.