Heat flared in my chest and spread at her words even though I knew she was just teasing me. I immediately wondered if she was that compliant, that submissive between the sheets. “I like it when you call me sir.”
She rolled her eyes. “Later,” she said, and put her hand on my chest to push me away.
Her eyes went wide when I gripped her wrist and pulled her close, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her mouth. “Have a good shift, babe. Be sure to save some lives.” I winked and strolled out of the hospital, aware of all the eyes on me.
It was all part of the plan, and if her scent lingered a little longer than it should, well that couldn’t be helped.
Chapter Six
“Why do you think you should drive my car?” I sounded like a petulant child, and I knew it, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. “I can drive, you know.”
Hawk nodded, his smile fixed in place as if I was the most amusing thing to ever grace his presence. “I know you can drive, but I am a better driver. Plus, I know where we’re going.”
“I know where we’re going too,” I said as he opened the passenger door for me.
“You know the destination, but do you know the address or how to actually get there?” He was smug and, dammit, Hawk being smug was still better than most men being charming.
“Maybe if you had shared those details with me.” I was pouting, but I couldn’t help myself. “Whatever,” I muttered before I dropping down into the passenger seat. “Let’s go.”
Hawk did a shit job of hiding his satisfied smile as he closed the door and strolled around the front of the car. His long, denim-clad legs moved at a lazy pace as if he was unrushed and unbothered.
It was entirely too appealing.
I kept my focus ahead as the car started to move but I was completely aware of every move Hawk made. The way his big, capable hands slid effortlessly along the steering wheel, his intense focus on the road and everything around him. It was almost hypnotic, and I knew I needed to snap out of it. He was a fake boyfriend. A means to an end. Nothing more. “Explain this to me again, please. We’re going to see Melanie Winchester. Why?”
His jaw clenched almost imperceptibly, but it wasn’t annoyance, at least I didn’t think it was. It felt as if he was trying to figure out if he could trust me. “It’s unusual that none of the businesses in the neighborhood told us about the extortion. We protect them, and not by fucking extorting them. We own businesses in town too and we all have a vested interest in looking out for each other. It’s better for the town if we all thrive.” He shook his head and smacked the steering wheel, slamming down on the gas when the light turned green. “Usually, the owners come to us when there are problems and it’s concerning as fuck that they haven’t. Not one of them.”
His words surprised me. “So they know you’re bikers, and they still let you know when someone is being mean to them?”
He laughed. “Something like that.”
Another new nugget of information to process later. “So, what’s in the box.” He’d shown up with a box of stuff that he placed in my trunk, which in hindsight I should’ve been more concerned about.
“The club girls and the old ladies put together a care package. I’m not sure what’s all in it, but they’re good with shit like that.”
I laughed. “Shit like caring and concern?”
He shrugged. “Shit like whatever helps people through the grief.”
Even through his gruffness, he was a sweet man. A kind man. “That was nice of you guys.”
“We’re nice guys,” he said, and pulled up in front of a blue cottage style house with pale blue shutters. “We’re here.”
“Okay,” I said when he cut the engine. “What’s the game plan?”
“Just be genuine. The only lie we’re telling her is about our relationship. Otherwise, we’re just checking in and getting information.”
“Okay, I can do that.” I didn’t like it, and using this poor woman for information didn’t sit well with me, but if this would help the Steel Demons keep me safe, then I had to do it. Didn’t I? “I’m good,” I said, more to myself than to Hawk as I exited the car.
He grabbed the box and together we marched up the stairs. Hawk wore a sympathetic smile when the door opened. “Mrs. Winchester, my name is Dominic, and I am so sorry for your loss.”
She blinked rapidly and tears slipped down her cheeks. “Thank you. Did you know Mark?”
“Not well, but I’m a business owner here in town too so we knew each other some. This is my girlfriend, Laura, she knew Mark from the community center.”
“Mark always wanted to help the community. It’s just how he was.” Speaking of her husband in the past tense made Melanie emotional and it was heartbreaking to witness.