Page 48 of Ever After All

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“Get your head out of your ass,” Griffin said bluntly.

“I think we might have to yank it out,” Blake chimed in.

We were in the break room at the restaurant and brewery, seated at the big round table in the back corner. Blake had told us to stop by because Fiona was testing recipes. I glanced between my brothers and rolled my eyes. “Where are those samples? I’m freaking starving.”

“Right here!” Fiona’s voice reached us as she walked into the room with a large tray propped on her shoulder.

Blake stood swiftly from the table, striding over and taking the tray from her. “I told you not to carry so much.”

Fiona looked at her husband, pressing her lips together to keep from laughing. “I carry trays every day at work. I can handle it.”

Blake grumbled something under his breath as he carried the tray over and set it in the center of the table. As Griffin and I began to select options from the samples, the back door opened, and Rhys, Adam, and Kenan came walking in.

“Whoa, it’s a full house,” Kenan teased.

My brothers snagged chairs at the table. Fiona interjected and clapped her hands together. “Guys!”

I was lifting a bite of something to my mouth and lowered it. “What is it?”

She handed out little sheets of paper, all of which listed the various items we were sampling. “Please just make a note of your favorites. I don’t expect too much, but a little something about why you like it would be helpful.”

“Are you redoing the menu?” Griffin asked.

“Yes and no. We’re always trying to add new specials. I want to test them with you guys first. We’re also doing some more events, so I want to expand our catering options as well.” She gestured to the tray. “Read the tags so you know what you’re trying,” she added.

We dutifully began paying attention. Nothing but moans and appreciative murmurs filled the air for a few minutes. Blake caught Fiona by the hand as she turned to leave. “Everything’s amazing. I love you,” he said.

Her cheeks went pink when he lifted her hand and dropped a kiss on the inside of her wrist. Rhys watched with a smile as Blake’s gaze trailed after Fiona when she left the room.

“Dude, you are seriously whipped,” Kenan observed.

Blake was utterly unabashed and simply shrugged. “I love Fiona. She’s my favorite person. Period.” He glanced at me. “When are you planning to wise up and do something about Rosie?”

I took a swallow of water after I finished chewing a bite of an absolutely amazing cheese-filled pastry. Glancing around after I swallowed, I replied, “She’s the one who dumped me.”

“Did she actually dump you?” Rhys asked.

I shifted my shoulders. I’d been fighting a headache ever since the morning Rosie drove away and left me behind in the parking lot at Spill the Beans Café. The tension bundled between my shoulder blades was getting worse by the day. “I don’t know. She told me she needed some time. Her dad told me to give her some space and that she would come around. So I’m trying to do that. What else am I supposed to do?”

“How long has it been?” Kenan asked.

“Almost two weeks,” I muttered. Resting my elbows on the table, I dipped my head down and ran my hands through my hair before I straightened and leaned back in my chair. “I don’t know what the fuck to do. Most of you are in love. Tell me what to do to make it right.” I gestured around the table.

Everyone’s voices crossed over each other, ranging from “Call her” to “Give her space” to “Stop being an idiot.”

That last one was from Griffin. I slid my gaze to him. “How am I being an idiot? I think I’m being pretty respectful. Rosie asked for space, and I’m giving it to her.”

He nodded. “You’re a respectful guy. You can still give her space and maybe just send her a text and say something along the lines of I love you, and I’m here for you when you’re ready.”

I glanced at Rhys, the oldest brother and the one I’d always thought had all the answers since I was a little kid. “What do you think?”

Rhys took a bite of one of the dessert pastries, a powdered sugar puffball. He jotted a note before answering, “I think you need to give her space, but Griffin might have a point.”

“How am I supposed to give her space and not pressure her if I text her?” I was exasperated.