“Wow, McKenna,” Tessa murmured under her breath at my shoulder. “Who’s this hottie?” Heat flashed into my cheeks. “Well, well,” she teased.
“Don’t even start,” I ground out through gritted teeth.
Jack crossed the café, stopping in front of us. A few snowflakes dusted his almost black hair, and the flush on his cheeks from the cold outside highlighted his blue eyes. They appeared impossibly blue.
I didn’t realize I was staring at Jack until Tessa elbowed me hard in the side. “Ooof,” I grunted under my breath.
Tessa waggled her brows, and I looked away. Blake was saying something to Jack. I swallowed, pasting on something I hoped looked like a polite smile.
“So you’ve officially moved here?” Blake asked.
Jack nodded. “I’m staying at a local B&B while I wait to close on my house. I need to find a short-term rental, though, because the B&B rates are pricey.”
Before I could stop myself, I chimed in, “I can have our property manager give you a call.”
Jack’s eyes locked on mine, and I willed the heat to cool in my cheeks. I hoped I didn’t look as flustered as I felt inside. If Blake picked up on it, the teasing would be relentless.
“Property manager?” Jack prompted.
“We own some properties around town, and Sandy will gladly let you know what’s available for a short-term rental.”
“I think the house Haven was staying in is open,” Blake added.
“I only need a place for about six weeks. I’m scheduled to close in a month, but I’d like a cushion in case something delays it,” Jack replied. “Any suggestions you have for rentals would be great.”
“Here, let me give you Sandy’s number. What’s your number?” I was functioning on autopilot at this point.
Jack recited his number, and I typed it into my contacts. “I’ll send her your contact info and let her know what you need. You can give her a call as well.”
“That would be great.”
Blake said something when the door to the café opened again, a blast of cold air swirling in as my least favorite person in town entered. Cory was with his new fiancée, who hated me even though I’d never done anything to her.
We were clustered in front of the counter. Blake glanced over, his eyes narrowing when they landed on Cory. Cory was my boyfriend in high school, and I thought I was in love with him. We broke up after I found out he was dating me to get an “in” with my family. I heard him joking about it in school one day. There was that, and then his more current shenanigans when he reported on his podcast just a few months ago about the legal issues for my grandfather, who was recently sentenced for embezzlement related to our family’s business. He was big on saying he was “just asking questions.” In this case, he asked why only our grandfather was charged. He wondered who else in the family might also be a criminal. Just thinking about it caused anger to simmer inside. Cory dreamed of making it big with his podcast, which mostly involved peddling gossip about small-town issues with whatever twist he thought might get him the most clicks.
I found comfort in reminding myself that at least I’d never done anything more than kiss the jerk in high school. I ignored the bile in my throat and beat back the sneaky sense of insecurity that rose whenever we crossed paths.
Even though his fiancée, Heather, hated me, I was thrilled he was engaged. Mostly because I hoped he would leave me the hell alone. Unfortunately, Heather was jealous of me. She was convinced I still had a thing for him, which was insane.
The last time I’d seen them was hours after Jack had kissed me. I hadn’t said a word to them, then or now. I still didn’t know what prompted Jack to kiss me.
I felt Blake’s gaze as he shifted, turning to angle his shoulder and effectively blocking me from their view. I didn’t need my brothers to protect me, but they still did. Of course, we collectively couldn’t stand Cory, and Rhys had even pondered legal action after the stupid podcast episode.
“Have you had coffee yet?” Tessa asked.
“Nope. Let’s get in line.”
I looped my hand through her elbow, and Jack stepped toward the counter with us. Blake followed.
“Didn’t Fiona feed you?” I teased lightly. Fiona was a ridiculously good cook and also the chef for Fireweed Winery, our family’s restaurant.
Blake grinned. “I can always use more food.”
We stopped at the counter, and I told myself Heather’s eyes weren’t burning a hole in my back. Tessa teased Blake about ordering donuts, and I forced out a laugh that sounded fake to my ears.
Jack glanced toward me. “Any more ferry weddings planned?”
My belly did a little shimmy as I shook my head. “Not much call for those. So, uh, when did you get to town?”