Page 44 of The Little Things

Chapter Twenty-Three


Ipulled the sheets off the mattress and tossed them into the laundry bin on my cart as a huge yawn cracked my jaw.

I might have woken up with a spring in my step after spending the night with Zach, but that had quickly worn off once I started my shift at the lodge. I was functioning on three hours of sleep. I couldn’t complain, however. Especially after the number of orgasms he’d given me well into the early hours of the morning.

Despite being exhausted, I couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off my face. I might have been tired, but my mood was exceptionally bright. I’d gladly live the rest of my life sleep deprived if it meant I got more of what he’d given me the night before.

Once we both finally passed out from exhaustion, I slept sounder than I had in a very long time. I wouldn’t have pegged Zach for a cuddler, but he held me all night long. Even when I moved, he’d follow after me, that arm coming back around my waist to hold me against him. Being in his arms like that, safe and secure after he’d worked my body to the point of collapse, had been the best sleep of my life. Not even the mattresses at one of the swanky five-star hotels I’d stayed in during my lifetime had compared to cuddling with Zach Paulson.

“What’s that smile about?”

I whipped around at the sound of Ivy’s voice, bringing a hand to my chest. “You scared me.” I shook my head at her. “I need to put a freaking cat bell on you or something. I didn’t hear you coming.”

Her brows rose high on her forehead. “It’s not my fault. I made plenty of noise. I even knocked,” she defended, pointing to the opened door of the room I’d been cleaning. “You didn’t hear me because you were too busy daydreaming.”

I fought the grin that pulled at my lips, forcing my expression into a scowl. “Was not.” I really was.

“Oh, you absolutely were.” She smiled giddily and pointed at me. “Your cheeks and ears are turning red and you have this glow about you—” Her words stopped abruptly and she pulled in a gasp that sucked all the air from the guest room. “Oh my God! You had sex!”

“Shhh!” I hissed, flapping a hand wildly and looking around like someone might have been lurking around, ready to pop out at any moment. “No, I didn’t. And even if I had, you don’t need to go around yelling stuff like that.”

She checked in the hallway behind her before rushing into the room. When she continued her voice was a whisper, but no less enthusiastic. “Yes, you did, you dirty little liar. You have to tell me. Who was it?” She pulled in a sharp breath. “Was it Raylan? I’ve known him since we were kids, but there’s no denying that man turned out fine as hell. Or was it one of the other ranch hands?” She clasped her hands in front of her and bounced in place as she begged. “Please, you have to tell me.”

“There was no one.” I continued with the lie, feeling shitty for it, but, even though I’d had the best night of my life with Zach, I wasn’t sure it would be wise to broadcast that around the ranch. He was still my boss, after all, and I was here to prove that I was a grownup capable of making healthy decisions. My feelings for Zach were very real and very raw, and while a part of me wanted to climb to the highest point of the lodge’s roof and shout it at the top of my lungs, there was still another part that was worried the people I’d come to know, and come to respect and care for, might look at me differently if they found out. “There’s nothing to tell, Ivy. I just had a good night’s sleep.” Lie. “And that put me in a good mood.” Truth.

Her smile fell, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout. “Whatever. You’re no fun.”

I smiled, shaking my head at her ridiculousness. She stuck around and helped me finish the room so we could head to lunch together.

“Hey girls,” Becky Hightower called from the front desk as we descended the stairs to the lobby. I’d gotten to know Zach’s grandmother pretty well from working at the lodge, and I had to say, I adored the woman. She was fierce and funny and said what was on her mind, whether it was appropriate or not. She reminded me of Betty White whenever she cussed or told sex jokes. She’d quickly become one of my favorite people.

“Hi Becky.” I smiled brightly, heading her direction. I stopped in front of her desk and rested my elbows on the ledge. “How’s your day going?”

“Can’t complain. No guests testing my nerves so far and making me want to smother them in their sleep, so that’s a win.”

My laugh morphed into another huge yawn. “Sorry about that.”

“No worries, dear. Looks like someone needs to get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

“Hmm. Interesting.” I felt Ivy’s scrutinizing look drilling into the side of my face. “She said she had a great night’s sleep,” she said accusingly.

Becky’s confused gaze bounced between us, waiting for my response, but before I could formulate one, the door to the lodge opened, and the air turned electric, brushing against my skin like static and causing the tiny hairs on my arms to lift.

I felt Zach’s presence the moment he entered the same room and looked in his direction a few seconds before Becky and Ivy spotted him.

“Oh, hey, sweetie.” Becky smiled brightly as her grandson drew closer. “This is a pleasant surprise. What brings you by?”

My heart started to beat harder when I noticed his gaze remained fixed on me as he closed the distance, a look of fierce determination on his gorgeous face. I kept expecting him to acknowledge the other two people with me, but when he didn’t, a tiny bolt of panic shot through me. He got closer, homing in on me like a heat-seeking missile. I took a step back, but there was nowhere for me to go without calling attention to myself.

He caught my tiny retreat and smiled wickedly, looking at me like I was a tiny, helpless bunny and he was a wolf about to strike. And that was exactly what he did. The instant he was close enough, his arm shot out and banded around my waist, yanking me into the solid wall of his chest.

My hands came up in an attempt to push him back as my eyes bugged out. “What are you doing?” I hissed under my breath, not that it mattered. Becky and Ivy were gaping at us already.

“What’s it look like I’m doin’?” His voice came out in a delicious rumble. The smell of leather and sunshine and clean cotton wafted off him and filled my lungs, the scent like an aphrodisiac. “I’m sayin’ hello to my girl.” I leaned back as he leaned in, my eyes darting between Ivy and Becky worriedly. His brows sank into a frown when I dodged his kiss. “Why are you avoiding my kiss?”

“Uh...” I wet my lips nervously. “Your grandmother and Ivy are right there.”