I had to give credit where credit was due. The man certainly wasn’t lacking in confidence. Before I came here, I would have fallen for this guy’s game in a matter of seconds. I was glad to see I’d managed to grow up in that aspect. “No. Not really.”
He laughed, the sound far from unpleasant, and pushed off the post to come closer. Sassy let out a snort that didn’t sound all that happy as she shifted to the side, pushing against me like she was trying to put her big body between me and Connor.
“Easy girl,” I said with a laugh, giving her a pat. “He’s harmless...” I cast him a narrow-eyed look, raising a single brow as I added, “mostly.”
“Completely,” he admitted with a chuckle, reaching out a single hand so Sassy could get a sniff. When she didn’t go in for a bite, he slowly stroked her muzzle. “Your owner’s got nothin’ to worry about from me, fierce girl.”
“Oh, Sassy’s not mine.”
Connor grinned again, and this time the innocence was real. He’d made his move, got shot down, now he was perfectly content to move on to his next conquest. “Not so sure she agrees with that. I’ve been around my fair share of animals, and it’s clear as day this horse has picked you.”
My chest puffed out slightly, a smile tugging at my lips. “You think so?”
Just then, Sassy butted my hip with her nose, her way of communicating that she wasn’t happy that I’d stopped brushing.
“Absolutely. Some horses like everyone, or at least tolerate them. Then there are some who can’t be broken. Refuse to let a soul on their back. Then you have horses like this one right here. They pick their person, and that’s it for them.” He gave me a considering look. “Like some people. It’s you and no one else.”
My cheeks heated and the tips of my ears caught fire under his scrutinizing gaze. I ducked my head, pulling my gaze away from him and concentrating on making perfect, precise circles against Sassy’s coat with the curry comb. “Yeah, well, I’m not so sure Zach would like me staking claim to one of his horses.”
I caught another flash of Connor’s grin from the corner of my eye. “Sweetheart, I’m almost certain he’d sign ownership over to you this very moment if you asked.”
My head whipped around in his direction. “What do you mean?”
He shook his head good-naturedly, but also with an air about him, like he was holding onto a secret. “Not really for me to say. Guess that’s something the two of you need to figure out.”
That flutters that had been missing at Connor’s attempt at flirting suddenly filled my belly at his implication, but as difficult as it was to ignore the tiny threads of excitement trying to sprout, I stomped them and reminded myself what Zach had said after our kiss. I knew better than to let myself get carried away in a fantasy. It never led anywhere good.
Quickly shifting the topic to something safer, I said, “You know a lot about horses. Are you a rancher too?”
“Nah. I’m here to catch up with an old buddy and kill some time. I’m a bull rider.”
My eyes bugged out and my jaw dropped. “Like, you climb on the back of a big, scary pissed-off bull? You can do that for a living?”
He chuckled again, nodding his head. “Sure can. A pretty decent one if you’re good at it.”
That cockiness was back. Either this man was destined to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, or he was going to meet a woman one day who knocked him on his ass so hard he wouldn’t know up from down.
“And I take it from that arrogant smirk on your face that you’re good at it?”
The man actually preened, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m not just good. I’m the best. You’ll have to come to a rodeo and see me in action.”
If I felt like a fish out of water coming to this ranch, I imagined walking into a rodeo would be like stepping into a whole new world.
“I don’t think so. I’m sure you’re as good as you claim, but I don’t think I’d be able to sit there and watch guys try not to get murdered by an animal that weighs almost as much as a Fiat.”
“You’d be surprised. It’s an adrenaline rush, not only for the man on the bull, but for the people in the crowd too.”
Oh, I was sure it had to be. Connor struck me as the kind of man who thrived on adrenaline. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? I wasn’t sure.
“So, if you’re supposed to be some hotshot bull rider, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in an arena somewhere, trying not to get gored in the ass?”
His grin widened. “I’m here while I let my knee heal, but I’ll be back at it soon enough. I try to come for a visit every chance I get. It’s always nice to see Zach, and there’s just something about this place, you know?”
I let out a long, slow exhale as I looked past the open barn doors to the land beyond. “Yeah,” I said quietly. “I do know. This place is kind of incredible.”
His brows dipped in at the center, his head cocking to the side as he studied me. “You say that like you’re surprised.”
I bit down on my bottom lip. “I kind of am. I didn’t really expect to like this place when I first got here. It’s... not really what I’m used to. But it kind of grows on you. I actually like it better than the city. It’ll be an adjustment when I have to go back.” Realization dawned as soon as those words fell out of my mouth.