Page 24 of The Little Things

I did as he said, setting Roam into motion, and even though we’d only started at a slow canter, my heart felt like it had taken off at a sprint.

I guided Roam back toward the barn, the same smile I’d been wearing the past half hour still stretched across my face. I was starting to think the smile was permanent.

Once I’d gotten over my initial fears, I’d quickly discovered a newfound love for riding. By the end of the lesson, Zach had taken the reins and kicked Roam off into a full gallop. It felt like I was flying.

I’d never felt anything more freeing, more exhilarating in my entire life. With Zach holding on to me, keeping me safe, I’d been able to truly let go and put all my faith in the animal beneath me. Zach had been right. Roam was a sweet and gentle horse, and as we made our way slowly back to the barn, with Zach back on the ground, leading me and Roam by the reins, I felt comfortable on his back by myself. Not enough to take off at a fast run, mind you, but I could have gone a few laps comfortably, just the two of us.

I leaned forward in the saddle as Roam’s hooves slip-clomped against the floor of the barn and gave his neck a gentle rub.

“You really are a good boy, huh?” I crooned softly. “Such a good speckled-butt boy.”

Zach’s chuckle carried up to me as he brought us to a stop. “He’s an Appaloosa.”

I sat up tall and looked down at him in confusion. “Huh?”

“The markings. He’s an Appaloosa.”

“Oh.” I curled my lips between my teeth to hide my smile. “Got it. But I still think I prefer speckled-butt. What do you say, Roam?”

He let out a gust of air from his nostrils that sounded an awful lot like a harrumph. Zach’s lips curled up into a grin as he arched a brow. “Pretty sure that means he’s not a fan.”

“Whatever,” I said with a teasing roll of my eyes. “I’ll save my affectionate nicknames for Sassy then. At least she seems to enjoy them.”

Each evening after getting off work, I’d come down to the barn to see the horses, but to spend time with Sassy in particular. I wasn’t sure what it was about her that I was so drawn to, but I felt a kindred spirit in the animal that I almost swore she felt as well. From what I heard, she was still full of attitude with all the other hands, and while she didn’t hesitate to show me a bit of the fire that earned her name, she was never anything but affectionate. My favorite time of day was that quiet hour in the barn, just the two of us. Whether work had been good or bad, she made it all disappear.

“She does seem to be a fan,” Zach said with a jerk of his chin. I followed his line of sight to Sassy’s stall, and sure enough, her head peeked over the door, her big black eyes trained in my direction. She let out a chuff and tossed her mane as if to say “What the hell, lady?”

“I think she might be a little jealous I went out on Roam today,” I said with a laugh.

“Probably,” Zach agreed, humor in his voice. “She doesn’t really strike me as the kind of animal who’s big on sharing. “Come on. I’ll help you down.” He reached up, circling my waist with his large hands. Sparks went off in my belly like I just ate a whole bag of pop rocks as the rough pads of his fingers brushed the patch of exposed skin on my side where my T-shirt had ridden up. There was nothing sexual about the touch whatsoever, yet it still lit me up in a way no other man’s touch ever had.

My breathing grew choppy as he slowly lowered me, the soft curves of my body dragging across the rock-hard wall of his. My nipples pebbled. My core twisted. I wasn’t sure my knees would be able to hold me once he let go, and it had nothing to do with being on horseback. Sure enough, my legs wobbled beneath me as soon as my boots hit the ground, and had Zach not been holding onto me, I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have landed right on my ass on the dusty floor.

Zach’s fingers pressed deeper into my skin as his eyes darted between mine, drilling impossibly deeper before traveling down to my mouth. The brown of his eyes grew even darker as his pupils expanded, the black swallowing up all color. I’d seen that look on men’s faces before. I knew when they were attracted to me, desired me. But it had never felt this intense. This... combustible. It felt like one move would be all it took to set the world around us ablaze.

I was lost in his gaze, happy to stay locked inside of it. Unfortunately, whatever spell weaved around us was broken when Roam, having apparently had enough of being ignored, butted Zach in the back with his nose.

I cleared my throat, blinking back into reality quickly as I took two shaky steps back. Nerves suddenly gripped me tightly as I forced my gaze from his, letting it bounce around the barn. “Uh, th-thank you. For the riding lesson. It was... I had a lot of fun.”

He pulled his hat off, smacking it against his strong thigh as he raked a hand through his short hair. “Yeah. No problem,” he muttered before putting it back on, brim forward this time. “Just let me know when you want to go again.”

I wasn’t sure if continuing our lessons was the smartest thing, but I also knew I didn’t want them to stop. I liked spending time with him. We might have gotten off to a rocky start, but I was finally seeing the side of him that Hal and Lennix had both assured me was there. He was funny and clever. He was smart and kind, hands down the hardest worker I’d ever known. He cared for the people he employed, for his family, for the animals on his ranch. The more I got to know him, the more I discovered there was a lot to like. The more I realized he was all good, down to his very core.

“Yeah, okay. I will. Thank you.”

I took another step back, prepared to turn and hightail it out of the barn when he spoke again. “Will you be at dinner at the lodge tonight?”

“Oh, no. I’ve been meaning to go into town for a few days now to get groceries and some other stuff.”

He took a step closer. “Do you need me to come with you? I know you don’t really know your way around town.”

He was right about that, and while I would have loved to spend even more time in his company, I knew I needed to put some space between us until I could get my head on straight. I’d made way too many stupid decisions in my life, and I didn’t want Zach to be another. He was too good a person. He deserved better than me.

“No, thank you. Lennix gave me directions.” I offered him a small smile as I slowly pivoted on the heel of my boot. “But I appreciate the offer.”

“Yeah, of course.”

I told myself I was only imagining the way his expression seemed to fall before I turned away and headed toward the row of ranch trucks parked along the side of the barn... it was all in my head that he seemed almost disappointed.