Page 49 of The Little Things

“If that’s what you want to do.”

“Christ, I’m dyin’ to see my cum drip out of you. And I’m clean too, I swear it. I’d never put you at risk.”

I already knew that. I trusted this man with every single cell in my body. The only people who’d ever gotten that from me were my parents, and now Zach. He was the only other person on the face of the planet who made me feel safe, protected. The way he ran a hand along my spine beneath my shirt was reverent. He made me feel cherished. A woman could get used to this kind of treatment, that was for damn sure.

“I know. Now, please, Zach. I need you to move.”

“Can’t be soft with you this time. I’m too far gone.”

“Do it,” I said on a moan. “Be rough with me, Zach. I won’t break.”

That last word had barely passed my lips when he pulled nearly all the way out and drove in so hard the legs of the table scraped across the floor. “Yes!” I cried out, my voice echoing through the open space, bouncing off the walls and traveling back to us.

“You’re so perfect for me. You know that, Rae?”

“Don’t stop.” My voice was rough and throaty. My nails dug into the wooden surface of the table as Zach fucked me like a man possessed, each thrust so hard and deep I knew I’d feel him for days.

“Can’t get enough of you, baby. I’ll never get enough of you. I can’t stop wanting you.”

“I want you too,” I said on a broken sob as the pressure in my core built and built. I felt like the boiler in the Stanley Hotel, reaching critical levels, about to explode and burn everything in my path.

“Say you’re mine.” Those words came out as a plea, not a command. “Tell me you’re mine, Rae, that you’re feeling this too. Tell me I’m not the only one.”

“I feel it,” I whimpered, my inner walls clutching at Zach as my release grew closer. “It’s not just you.”

He grabbed my hair, wrapping the length around his fist and yanking, bringing my head up as he leaned down over me, his chest against my back. Every inch of my upper body was pinned to the table. I couldn’t have moved if I wanted to, but I’d never felt safer in my life. “Tell me what I want to hear, baby,” he growled, and this time it was a command. “Tell me you’re mine.”

“I am, Zach,” I assured him, my voice rising on every word. “I’m yours. You have me.”

“That’s right,” he rasped against my ear, his tongue coming out and sweeping along the column of my throat. “I have you. And you have me. Completely, Rae.”

“Oh God.”

“I feel you,” he grunted. “Your pussy is squeezin’ me like a silky vise. Give it to me, baby. Come all over me and milk me dry.”

His words were all it took to send me soaring over the edge. My release hit with surprising strength, the rush like the biggest, fastest drop on a roller coaster. Stars exploded behind my eyelids as I screamed his name until I went hoarse.

Before I finished, he let go on a roar of my name. Those first hot jets of his cum were enough to drag my release out, making it last even longer. By the time we were done, we were both boneless and out of breath.

The condensation from my breath created a cloud over the glossy surface of the table. “It’s never been like this for me,” I admitted. “Is this what sex is always supposed to be like?”

My eyes fell closed on a contented sigh when I felt the pads of his fingers brush gently across my temple, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I don’t know, sweetheart. This is a first for me too. But...”

I managed to peel my eyes open and twisted my head just enough to see him over my shoulder. “But what?”

“But I think it might be because it’s you. At least for me. And I think it’s the way it is for you because you’re with me. I don’t think anyone else could make us feel the way we make each other feel.”

That thought was as exhilarating as it was terrifying, because what if this didn’t work out?

I swallowed, pushing that thought away. This wasn’t another of my mistakes. This was different. He was different. This was something special, I knew that down to my soul, and I wasn’t going to let fear dictate my actions any longer.

“I think you’re right.”

Just then, my stomach grumbled loud enough there was no way Zach missed it. He grinned and chuckled as my cheeks heated. “Come on, baby. Let me get you fed before we have to go back to work. It’s the least I owe you after what you just gave me.”

He stood tall, letting his half-hard erection slip free before taking my hand and easing me off the table. He righted my pants before going to work on his.

“Pretty sure I’m the one who had the most orgasms this time around,” I said teasingly as he pulled me into an embrace.