“And that is?” he grins.

“You,” I smile. “I want you to make love to me.”

“Good God, Sparky, are you ever not ready?”


“Well then, prepare to get fucked.”

“Not before you get sucked,” I grin.

“You’re frisky in hotels. I like it.”

“Must be the linens.”

“Well, it’s probably a good thing you’re so fond of hotels. If you’re going to be shacking up with a pro baseball player you will see plenty of them. Although, I can’t say if all of them will be this nice.”

I laugh and place my hands on his cheeks as he buries his face in my neck and kisses me. “Aren’t you forgetting something, Hot Shot?”

He pulls back and looks at me curiously. “What’s that?”

I push up from the bed slowly and give him my best come hither look. “Shower.”

He presses his elbows into the bed and pushes up, eyeing me hungrily. “You already took one.”

“Yeah, well, I need another.” I reach for the end of my towel and drop it to the floor.

He sits up, eyes on fire. “First one in comes first?” He arches a brow.

“Oh, you know it.”

I turn and head for the bathroom but get no more than two feet when I feel a wall of muscle press against my back and wrap an arm around my waist.

“First or last,” he pulls my back to his chest, “it doesn’t matter. I’m going to fill you full, Sparky. So fucking full, that the world knows your mine.”

“Oh yeah?” I moan, relishing the way he feels…the way we feel.

“Oh yeah,” he scoops me up and kisses me, heading for the shower. “Now and forever.”



Three months later…

“Sparky,” I call out while scanning the contents of my closet. “Have you seen my jersey? The one the guys gave Cruz and I at the party last week?”

“Hmmm,” she hums. “I’m not sure. Could this be it?”

The way she says it in that playful sexy way of hers, makes my skin prick with heat. I turn around slowly, finding her standing there wearing a jersey, and nothing else, but it’s not mine.

“Do you like?” She brings her hand down the front of her jersey for the CU girls’ team, fingering the buttons seductively.

“Oh yeah,” I run a thumb under my lower lip, eyeing her with approval; the soft curvature of her breasts and those powerful legs I love to feel wrapped around me, making my dick stand at attention. “I like it a lot. In fact, you might even say I love.”

“Then come and get it, Hot Shot.”

I eat up the space between us and wrap one arm around her lower back, yanking her toward me. “The only thing that is going to be coming,” I whisper hotly while leaning in to kiss her neck, “is you.”