“We could be so good together,” he groans when he feels me rocking my hips against his hand.

I grip the pillow under my head with one hand, while grabbing his forearm with the other, chasing my climax. “Shut up.”

Dropping his forehead to my chest, he curls his fingers, stroking my G-spot, as his thumb presses on my clit, sending little shocks through me. “Let go and feel what only I can give you. I have your demons, give me your desire.”

“Fu…fuck,” I pant, digging my nails into his arm, as an intense orgasm hits hard and fast. “Don’t stop.”

Crashing his mouth down on mine, our tongues stroke against one another with hot possession. “Only if you say it,” he whispers against my mouth as my legs shake and my pussy pulses. “Tell me you want me and I will give you everything.”

I arch my back, refusing to tell him what he wants to hear. I want him, I can’t deny that. But he isn’t mine because he is destined for more. Still, that doesn’t deny the fact I don’t want anyone else to have him, either.

Pushing up on my elbows, he falls onto his back and I swing my leg over his body and straddle him. “Say it,” he grips my hips with both hands.

Sliding my wet pussy over his groin, I cup his face with both hands and shake my head. “No.”

“Just admit you want me and I obliterate that line of yours and give us what we both want.”

“Ours,” I correct, while stroking his hot cheek with my thumb.

“Right,” he laughs. “Ours.”

My body hums as the hangover from my climax lingers. “Why do you say it like that?”

“You know why.”

“Maybe I don’t,” I shrug. “Maybe I need you to tell me.”

“And therein lies the rub.” He lifts his hips so I feel the outline of his cock against my slick slit. “Pun intended.”

I arch my brow and he drops down on his back. “You drew the line, Sparky. Not me.”

“No,” I shake my head slowly. “We both agreed sex would complicate things.”

“No,” he brings one arm behind his head, “you said it would and I nodded.”

“Yeah, in agreement.”

“In acceptance,” he counters. “Never said I thought it would mess things up.”

“But you’ve gone along with it.”

“Because I am a gentleman.”

This time, it’s me who laughs. “Says, who?”

“Says half the female student body at Highland.”

I start to get off him, not wanting to hear about his well-known reputation, especially when he’s just made me come, but he grabs my hips, and holds me in place.

“I can’t believe you,” I seethe. “I can’t believe I was this close to ignoring that line we both drew and you’re…”

He sits up again, cupping my neck with a kind of tenderness that is in contrast to his earlier heat, and kisses me. It’s soft and tender and says more than all his words tonight, combined.

“This thing between us,” he murmurs. “You don’t have to be afraid of it, Sparky.”

“I’m not.”

“Then what are you afraid of?” he asks, pulling back.