“What?” I laugh. “Where is this—”
“Ellery told me you haven’t been seeing anyone,” she cuts me off.
“She what?” I ask in confusion.
“Is it true?”
I pinch the bridge of my nose, making a mental note to have a little chat with my sister from another mister. “You know I don’t date.”
“I know that. And you know that’s not what I’m asking.”
She’s right. I know damn well what she is asking, and I’m curious why she wants to know, and further, why she and Ellery were talking about me.
“Tell me,” she insists.
“Why do you…wait,” I stop, mid-response. Was that what she was doing down here? “Were you down here with O’Brien trying to get some?”
“Who?” She shakes her head. Now she’s the one who’s confused.
“My teammate that I just tossed out of here.”
She shrugs. “What if it was?”
“Well, first I’d like to know when you decided to date athletes because last I heard, you’d rather die than be with a guy who cares more about his muscles than music.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Yes, you did,” I counter. “You made it quite clear. You don’t do athletes. So tell me, why were you just about to?”
She opens her mouth to answer, but the door pushes open and a group of partygoers stumble in. “This room’s taken,” I call out over my shoulder.
“Oh, my bad,” one says.
“Next time lock the door,” says another, then slams it shut.
“Good advice,” Jenica smirks. “Next time I’ll lock the door so I don’t get interrupted.”
The idea of Jenica hooking up with O’Brien—hell, hooking up with anyone—makes my cheeks burn and fingers twitch. “You drive me crazy. You know that?”
“Yeah, well,” she fires back, “the feeling’s mutual.”
We stand that way, staring at one another, and before I know what I’m doing, I wrap one arm around her waist, and lift her off the ground. “Why are you so interested in what, no make that who, I do?” I ask, eyes locked on hers.
She places both hands on my chest and pushes back. “Put me down.”
“No,” I tighten my hold, “not until you answer me.”
She kicks her feet and pushes back again. “If you don’t want me to knee you in those balls you’re so fond of, I suggest you put me down, now.”
The fire in her touch and words makes my dick twitch. “You want to know if I’m getting laid?” I walk toward the pool table, holding her against me with one hand while wrapping her ponytail around my other one. “No, I’m not.”
“Oh,” she says with mock pity. “Highland’s sorority girls found a new chew toy?”
I give her hair a tug, while letting out a sardonic laugh. “Try again.”
My eyes search hers as her chin tips up and the skin on her neck pulls taut. “You only like redheads now?” she says tightly.
Reaching the pool table, I set her down on the edge and place my hands on either side of her. “Redheads?”