“Sounds like it. From what Caleb said, Richardson wants to give CCPD a DNA sample so they can run tests.”

I suck in my breath and hold it, my earlier panic rushing back tenfold, filling the blood in my veins with dread.

“Jen,” Travis’ voice comes through the line. “You alright?”

I nod but my words don’t follow. There’s not a kiss or joke that can fight the dread creeping back into my bones.

“Jen?” he asks again, this time the concern in his voice clear.

“I’m fine,” I manage when I can find my own. I need to get off the phone. I need to tell Jake before Ellery and Cruz get home. “Hey Trav, I have to go. Call you later?”

“Sure,” he says, then adds in his big brother way, “Be safe up there. Don’t get into any trouble.”

“Will do,” I reply tightly, then add a quick I love you, and hang up.

I return the receiver to the cradle and make my way into the living room. Heading me, Jake turns from the window, flashing me his bright, optimistic smile. “Everything good?”

“No.” I look at him, body cold. “Richardson is on his way to Cherry Cove.”

“What?” His brows push up and eyes widen. “But why? He’s a wanted man.”

“Apparently he thinks the body may be Royce. He’s coming into town to give CCPD a DNA sample so they can run tests.”

Jake’s sunny smile fades and he makes his way over to me. “It’s going to be okay,” he says with confidence.

“What if it’s not?” My voice shakes. “What if it’s him?”

“It’s not.” He places both hands on my arms and squeezes. “And if by some freak chance it is, I’ve got you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you, or your brother.”

He leans in, mouth hovering above mine, and just as he’s about to seal the promise with his lips, the front door bursts open. We step apart quickly, opening up the space between us, as Cruz and Ellery tumble through the door. They’re kissing and pawing at one another like dogs in heat, and when they don’t see my suitcase in the doorway and trip over it, both fall to the floor.

“What the hell,” Cruz laughs while looking around, trying to figure out what happened.

Jake and I make our way over and when he clears his throat, both Cruz and Ellery whip their heads up. Finding Jake and I staring down at them, Ellery screams.

“Omigod!” She pushes up quickly and throws her arms around me. “I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.”

“I know.” I pat her back and look down at Cruz. “Hey, All American.”

He pushes up from the floor, looking from me to Jake, with a curious grin.

“Guys,” Jake reaches behind his head and scratches it. “We need to talk.”

Ellery pulls back and flicks her eyes to him. “Unless it’s a confession that you two are together, I don’t want to hear it.”

“No,” I shake my head. “That’s not—”

“But you two do like each other, right?” She looks from Jake to me. “I mean, it’s us. Just admit it already.”

Jake flicks his eyes to Cruz, who raises both hands in silent protest as I try to figure out how to respond.

Seeing the apprehension in my eyes, she grabs my hand. “If it’s not that, then what is it?”

“Fuck, Elle.” I blow out a tense breath, looking from her to Jake then back again. “I don’t know how to say this.”

“What is it?” She tightens her grip. “You’re scaring me.”

I shift nervously, my heart starting to race. “It’s CCPD.”