He looks down at me, flashing me that sexy smile of his. “We have time. When I left the ballfield they were on the mound. Actually, Ellery was on Cruz, and they were on the mound, but you get the picture.”
From what Ellery tells me, Cruz has a sexual appetite that matches her own and the two can’t keep their hands off one another. Something tells me they went at it right after Jake left.
Watching his eyes drift down to my mouth, it’s clear what he wants, and honestly, I could use a little making out right now. But if I let his mouth go anywhere near mine, Ellery will get her wish. He will pull me into a kiss that will drown out the sounds of the world around us, including that of a door opening, and she’ll catch us red-handed.
I place both hands on his chest and feel his pulse racing under my touch. “I need to call my brother. I left in a kind of hurry this morning and don’t want him to worry.”
He wraps his other arm around my waist and tugs me closer. “You can use the phone in my room,” he says huskily, leaning in to nuzzle my neck. “Fuck, you smell good, Sparky.”
The feel of his breath on my skin sends a shiver down my spine, but when his lips kiss the pulse point in my neck, I drop my head back, relishing his touch for a moment.
“I’ll take it in the kitchen,” I swallow as the tension in my body eases for the first time since arriving.
“Kitchen, shower,” he moans. “Shit, I’d take it anywhere.”
I let out a playful laugh. Jake’s got his own libido that comes with a reputation I’m well aware of. He’s apparently a legend at Highland and has the ladies eating out of the palm of his hand. I can understand why. His personality matches his passion. He is all about my satisfaction when we’re together, so I can only imagine how he is with other girls.
“Maybe you should take a shower,” I step back. The air between us is charged and I am dangerously close to saying fuck it and crossing that line we both agreed to.
“Am I tempting you?” He grins, pushing the skin at the corner of his eyes together, creating soft folds.
“You can’t tempt the Devil,” I smile, and turn for the kitchen. I get no more than one step before he’s reaching for my hand and spinning me around.
Stepping into me, he cups my neck with one hand, while curling his arm back around my waist, pulling me snug against him. “You are not the Devil,” he says huskily. “You are perfect.”
His mouth slants over mine and he kisses me urgently. It pulls the air from my chest, lungs, even the floor out from under me. “Jake,” I murmur against his lips.
“Yes?” he whispers back.
“We can’t. What if they see?”
“Let them.” His fingers grip my side, kneading the skin under my shirt. “Maybe we could give them a run for their money.”
His tongue strokes my own and I can’t fight the moan that curls up my throat and into his mouth. Shit, he can kiss. I feel it in my fingers, toes, and between my legs.
“Later,” I whisper as I find the willpower to pull back.
Looking at me with hooded eyes, my clit pulses in anticipation of that very promise, as I turn and head for the kitchen.
After grabbing the cordless from the cradle on the counter, I dial my parent’s house. Travis picks up after the second ring. “Hey,” I smile when I hear his voice, feeling lighter than I have in hours.
“Jen?” he replies over the static on the line.
I’ll never understand how it is that we can nuke food but they still can’t manage to make it so we get a clear signal on a cordless. I mean, it’s 1992, for crying out loud.
“Yeah, it’s me,” I speak up so he can hear me.
“Where are you?”
“Up north with Ellery.”
“Oh,” he drawls. “That’s why the connection is so bad.”
“Yeah,” I nod and look down. “Someday they’ll make a static free cordless.”
He laughs. “That’s why you left the store in such a hurry earlier.”
“Yeah,” I chew on the inside of my cheek. “I mixed up my flight. Thought it was tomorrow, then remembered it was today.”