Callum works more hours than me, and even he doesn’t have the time to help out. Our cups are running to the brim.
“I was thinking about seeing if Tripp wants to help out. He’ll be graduating soon, and maybe he’ll want to come on full time here,” Brock says.
Tripp, our youngest brother, works at the brewery helping out here and there. Mainly running food and bussing tables.
“Yeah, I’ll ask him. I’ll check with Callum too.”
I start to walk away, but Brock stops me in my tracks with his next words.
“Millie told me that she heard Helena’s daughter is pregnant.”
I shrug. “So? Who’s that?”
Brock nods at me. “Isn’t Helena’s daughter your neighbor? Felicity, something or other.”
“Felicity’s pregnant?” I say out loud, although my voice sounds muffled. Like I’m speaking to him under water.
Brock shrugs. “I guess she’s pretty serious with that guy. They’re going to have a baby.”
I shake my head, trying to clear my head. Is this true?
“Who’s pregnant?” Anya asks, walking up on our conversation.
“Felicity,” Brock says. “Millie told me. I guess Felicity’s mom was talking about it at book club. She’s due in like August, or September.”
I rub at the back of my neck, trying not to appear to be too affected. “That’s cool for them.” I want to flee from this conversation. My eyesight is narrowing and my breathing is heavy. Like I can’t catch my breath.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Why can’t I fucking breathe? So what? Felicity and her stupid boyfriend, or fiancé, or whatever are going to have a baby together.
They’ll be a happy family.
Who cares? Not me.
My mood sours when my mind flashes with a fantasy of Felicity carrying my child. Her and I raising a family together.
“Are you okay?” Callum asks, getting caught up with the conversation. “You don’t look so hot,” he says to me.
“I don’t feel so hot.” Anger ignites deep inside me at the news. I hate how affected I am by all of this.
Now my mind’s playing out different scenarios. Me passing her on the street with her baby in a stroller. Her stupid man playing catch in the backyard with their son. Her popping out more children in the future, happily married to that asshole.
I want to be that asshole.
“I’ll be right back,” I say, rushing away from my family, making my way toward the closest bathroom. I head inside, thankful I’m alone.
I splash some cool water on my face, staring at myself in the mirror. What is wrong with me?
The news of Felicity's pregnancy is hitting me hard, and right now it’s nothing more than a rumor.
A part of me wants to ask her flat out. But it’s really none of my business, and I need to just drop it. I need to forget about the one special night we shared over Christmas.
That was ages ago.
I head back out, and all of my siblings stare back at me, minus Tripp because he’s not here. “What?” I ask them as they blink at me.
“I don’t know if you math well, but…” Paxton’s words fall away as his green eyes meet mine. Paxton’s younger than me by a year. He’s also the one who travels around from city to city getting our beer in other restaurants. The man’s a selling genius, and apparently a math genius too.