“All anyone has to do is meet you and they’ll know right away you are one of the most caring and kind individuals they’ll ever meet.” He picked up an apple and cut it in half. “At least that is how I felt when I met you at Will’s wedding.”
“We barely talked. How could you have made a snap judgment?”
“I’ve learned over the years to trust my instincts. Seldom am I wrong.”
She gave him a look. Whatever retort she had was left unsaid. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
Adam peeled apples and Melinda finished rolling out the crust. When she looked over the bowl was full of thin, neatly sliced apples. “Ready to help with the next step?” she asked.
“Are you sure you trust me?” he teased, and silently hoped she knew he’d protect her from anything.
“I’m impressed with your slicing skill.” Focusing on the task at hand she said, “Toss in half a stick of butter in the pan. Mix in the apples and spices and simmer over medium heat. We just want the flavors to combine and the apples to begin to soften.”
“Ya know, if this pie is good, I’m taking the credit.”
Snorting Melinda said, “Will anyone believe you?”
With a playful snap of the towel in her direction, he said, “No. But I can try.”
She pointed back to the pan. “All right, chef, keep the apples moving. You don’t want them to burn.”
He started to salute her again and she laughed. “Oh, stop. You’re going to injure your arm if you keep that up.”
From the corner of her eye, she kept close watch on what Adam was doing. She marveled at his attentiveness. This was nice. Spending time together, even just making a couple of desserts. Mel was starting to realize she had been wrong, thinking she could live the rest of her life alone. He made her contemplate a different kind of future.
With a shake of her head, she stopped letting her brain go down that path. “Since you’ve got the handle on the pie, I’m going to start the cheesecake.”
His head swiveled almost off his neck. “Did you really say cheesecake?”
“I did.”
“A plain one with fruit toppings?”
“No. Pumpkin.” She gave him a sidelong glance. Her heart skipped a beat. “Since I don’t have those ingredients, I’ll make you a deal.”
“I’m listening,” he drawled and leaned in attentively.
“I’ll make the pumpkin for Thanksgiving, and for Christmas I’ll make a plain cheesecake with fruit toppings. It will be your gift.”
“On one condition.” He leaned against the counter and his smile looked slightly wicked in a playful sort of way. Her insides melted. This playful banter was… nice.
She asked. “I’m afraid to hear, but what’s your condition?”
“That you spend part of the holiday with me and we have dinner together.” He held up his hand. “I know family stuff has to come first but”—he had a serious undertone to his voice—“this would mean a lot to me, Melinda.”
Taken aback by hearing him say her given name, she answered, “Of course I want to have dinner with you.”
Chapter 31
Melinda had been thinking about what she was about to do for weeks. Getting to know Adam and spending time with him made her think and feel things. Emotions she thought she had buried with her sweet husband resurfaced. It wasn’t exactly like it had been with John, but she was happy and living life again. She adjusted the clasp on her pearl necklace and smoothed her hand over the soft deep blue dress. In the mirror she looked at her left hand, her wedding ring. Slowly she slipped the thin gold band from her finger.
She opened the lid on the intricately carved jewelry box sitting on the top of her dresser. It had been a wedding gift from John. There it was, John’s wedding band, nestled in the velvet lining. Exhaling slowly, she placed her matching ring next to his and took one last lingering look before closing it.
She rested her hand on the carved wood. “It’s time for me to move on, my love.”
Toot. Toot. Melinda glanced up toward Adam’s apartment door and wondered who was taking care of Skye while they were gone. She saw Adam wave as he came out and pulled the door closed.
She slid the window down and called out, “What the heck are you doing, pokey?” Maybe the lighthearted approach would calm the butterflies in her stomach.