Will nodded slowly. “I see.”
“Is that all you got?” he demanded.
“Not to ask the obvious question, but why didn’t you tell her about what happened in Iraq?”
“You know why.” Adam downed the rest of the scotch and set his glass aside.
“Remind me.” Will pulled a pint bottle from his inner pocket and poured Adam a splash more. “Anita? She was a shallow, self-centered person. But that has nothing to do with Melinda.”
Adam slammed his closed fist on the arm of the sofa cushion. “No! Melinda isn’t like that. But I didn’t...” He groaned. “As we began spending more time together, I discovered she was amazing. Each week that passed, it got harder to tell her the truth. By not telling her in the beginning, it felt like I had been lying by omission.” He took a swallow of his drink. It burned as it went down his throat. “I was scared. Would she think I was less of a man?”
Quietly Will asked, “Is that how you see yourself? As somehow less than the man you were before?”
“I don’t know anymore.” Adam dropped his chin to his chest. “You knew me then and you know me now. Do you think I’m different?”
As he rubbed the back of his neck Will said, “Yes, but that is to be expected. You have always been one of the best men I know and I’m proud to call you my friend—hell, my brother. But man, it’s not how I see you, it’s how you see you.”
“Do you think Mel would see me as damaged?”
“No. I don’t. The woman helped you after you sliced open your hand. Brought you dinner and checked in with you daily.” Will shook his head. “Man, you sold both of you short. Your lie robbed you of the opportunity to sit and have a conversation like adults.”
“I know. I screwed up.” Adam’s shoulder sagged. “Now I’ll never have the chance.”
“Yeah. You won’t be able to tell her before she finds out. That ship sailed.”
Adam toyed with his now empty glass. “She told me about her husband John’s accident.” He looked at Will. “The day she took me to the emergency room, she had a flashback. It was from the day he died. I can’t imagine what that day had been like.”
Will’s eyes grew wide. “She told you all of this?”
Adam nodded. “Right after I cut my hand.”
“And you didn’t think that was a golden opportunity for you to share your experience? Are you an idiot?”
“First class, at your service.” He saluted Will.
“So, where do you go from here?”
Adam fell silent. It was several long moments before he spoke. “I was hoping you’d help me upstairs. There’s something I should have done a while ago.”
Chapter 35
He knocked on the adjoining door.
“Hold on,” she called before she opened it. He stood, dressed in sweatpants and a Marine sweatshirt.
“H-hi,” she stuttered. Melinda’s cheeks flushed.
An uncomfortable silence was heavy between them for several long unending minutes.
Melinda started to speak and Adam did at the same time. He said, “You first.”
“Do you want to come in?”
He nodded and took a step in. “Can we talk?”
“Of course.” She flipped back the covers, perched on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to her. “Care to sit down?”
The bed gave under his weight. “I’m sorry.” He gestured to his leg. “About this.”