Melinda slipped her arm around his waist and turned toward the archway. “Ready?”

Just help him get comfortable and then you can escape. Will knows what to do.

She flicked the dimmer switch and the room was bathed in light. There was a loveseat a few steps away. “Over there?” She gestured to it.

Adam took a hop. “I’m fine.”

She threw up her hands, her anger bubbling beneath the surface. “A second ago you wanted my help, now you want to hop?”

He forced a smile. “What can I say, I’m a complicated guy.”

“That’s an understatement.” She guided Adam to the sofa and stuck a cushion behind him. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No, thank you.”

“I’m going up to bed.” She turned, feeling the weight of sadness envelope her. Without looking at him she said softly, “Good night, Adam.”

“Night, Melinda.”

Adam watched Mel leave the room. He had a sinking feeling she was walking out of his life permanently. How could he make this up to her? Will would know what to do. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Mel’s lips touching his under the mistletoe had been a magical moment. The emotions that rolled over him were intense. He had never experienced something so sweet and tender, and that had him longing for more, much more.

He could feel someone watching him. His eyes opened. For a split second he prayed Mel had come back.


Will’s tie was draped around his neck and the top of the shirt buttons were undone. He looked around. “Where’s Melinda?”

“She went upstairs.”

Will held up two glasses partially filled with amber liquid. “Scotch?”

Adam knew what this meant. Will only pulled out the strong stuff when it was time for a serious conversation. “Have a seat.”

Handing Adam one glass, Will sat down and stretched out his legs in front of him. Casually he said, “It’s nice here.”

Adam absentmindedly swirled the liquid in the glass. “Mel found it online.”

“Stacey was thrilled when Melinda said you were staying here. That’s why she wanted to as well.”

“Sorry we haven’t spent much time with you.”

“No big deal. We were hoping the two of you would get bitten by the bug.”

Adam cocked a brow. “What are you talking about?”

“Stacey calls it the love bug. She happens to think you and Melinda are the perfect couple.”

“An hour ago, I thought we might have a chance.” Adam took a deep drink. He winced. “I hate scotch.”

“It’s good for you. It has a way of clearing the fog out of your brain.”

Adam snorted. “Only you would say something so ridiculous.”

Will balanced his glass on the arm of the chair. “What happened an hour ago?”

“We kissed under the mistletoe. It was like I could see the future and Mel was in it.”