“Leave them on the table and I’ll take care of them. You two should run along. Take Ocean Boulevard—it’s the best route to the mansion. It is breathtaking in the morning.” Diana winked. “One might even say romantic.” Before Melinda could blush again, Diana said, “Have a fun day. Will you be back before the wedding?”
“We will.” Adam was already looking forward to seeing Mel in her dress and high heels.
Mel looked around. “Oh shoot, I forgot my handbag upstairs.” She pushed back from the table and said, “I’ll be right back.”
Diana lingered in the dining room while Adam fixed their coffees. Uncertain what she might say, he thanked her again for the cups and wandered into the lobby. He wanted to sit down; his knee was beginning to throb. It was going to be a long day with a lot of standing. Maybe he should sit and wait for Mel.
Just as he did, she dashed down the stairs and deftly avoided the one stair that she had trouble with earlier. “See, I remembered.” She jingled the keys. “Did you think I was going to take forever?”
He looked into her eyes. They were more blue today than green. “Not at all.” Thinking fast he said, “I wanted to sit in a genuine antique chair from an old ship.” Jeez, that sounds lame, even to me. He got up and followed Mel to the front door.
She looked over her shoulder. “I hope we have time to stop at that pretty park we saw near the ocean. You know, the one before the fort?”
“A good spot to enjoy our coffee.” Adam followed her outside. The air was crisp and cool and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue. He took a deep breath. “There is something invigorating about this air, don’t you think?”
Mel stopped and dropped her head back, face toward the sun. She inhaled deeply. A grin spread across her face. “You are right. It is.” She gave him a sly look. “What?”
“I’ve never seen you so carefree.” He swallowed and said, “You’re very pretty.”
A flush rose in her cheeks. “Adam, stop.”
“I didn’t mean to embarrass you. But I wanted to tell you.”
“Once again, I’m at a loss for words. It seems to happen from time to time when I’m with you.” She clicked the button on the key fob and the car locks clicked. “There’s an ocean waiting to be looked at.”
Adam got into the car. Will had been right. The chemistry between them was undeniable. After Sunday, he hoped she would still want to spend time with him. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye in the driver’s seat. She was the only woman for him.
“Hey, you.” She poked him in the arm. “Are you seeing the birds bobbing in the water? How does that cold not bother them? The wind is whipping and there they go, plunging their heads in the frigid water to get a snack.”
He listened as she rattled off two more questions without giving him a chance to answer the first one. He wanted to say something profound, but all he could think to say was, “Mel, it’s how life works. They just keep doing what they know.”
“Life does march forward, doesn’t it?” She flashed him a grin. “This is the best time I’ve had in ages. You’re a pretty good travel partner.”
“You make a good partner too.” He reached over and took her hand from the steering wheel in his. He joked, “Even if we need to get you an insulated mug for our next road trip.”
Chapter 33
Melinda and Adam entered the grand hall at Rosecliff. She felt her mouth drop open. She was speechless.
“Mel.” Adam grabbed her hand and chuckled. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and in slow motion turned a three-sixty, lost in the moment. She crossed to the heart-shaped staircase, walked up four wide marble stairs and ran her hand over the ornate banister.
In a reverent voice she said, “Molly is going to walk down these stairs tonight.”
“That’s her plan.” He smiled as he walked up the stairs to stand next to her. “This is stunning.”
“They sure did get lucky with this place.”
A hum of voices caught Melinda’s attention. “That must be the happy couple.” She skipped down the stairs and looked back in time to see Adam wince.
“Your knee is still bothering you.” She stated it as a fact, not a question.
He shook his head. “You don’t miss a trick.”
She lightly ran back up the steps and gave him her hand. “You kept me from tumbling down the stairs earlier—the least I can do is be here for you.”
He took her hand and their fingers interlaced. She looked down and saw how well they fit together. His long fingers were warm and he held hers with just the right amount of pressure. She gave his hand a squeeze.