Diana handed them keys. “Rooms Twelve and Fourteen. At the top of the stairs, take a left. Your rooms overlook the harbor.”

“Thank you, Diana.” Melinda nudged Adam. “I get the room with the best view.”

She laughed quietly. “They have the same view, so you won’t need to fight over one or the other.”

Melinda smiled at her before walking up the grand stairwell ahead of Adam. She could hear by his steps he was still favoring one leg. Teasing him she said, “Are you going to make it, Hopalong Cassidy?”

She noticed a flash of pain in his eyes before he said, “Just waiting on you, slowpoke.”

With that, Melinda gave a laugh and ran up the last two steps. “Come on, I want to get outside and smell the sea air.”

Good-naturedly he grumbled, “Can we at least get a snack for the road?”

Melinda patted her shoulder bag. “I’m way ahead of you. I have granola bars right here and bottled water in the car. No need to waste time.”

“Lady, I’m going to need to teach you about being away and relaxing.” He shook his head as he took the last step toward Room Fourteen. “And if for any reason you don’t like your view, we can switch.”

“Ya know, you’re a pretty sweet guy.” Melinda pushed open the door and stopped in her tracks.

Adam stepped over the threshold and stood beside her. The sweeping view through the triple windows was nothing less than spectacular. Boats were gently dancing on the waves and the sun glistening off the surface of the ocean were sparks of light. Mel crossed to the window and opened it halfway. She leaned forward, her nose almost touching the screen, and inhaled deeply.

“Adam, no need to switch. It’s perfect.”

Chapter 32

Melinda woke feeling refreshed. She stretched her arms overhead and got out of bed. Pulling on her bath robe, she tapped lightly on the connecting door to Adam’s room.

“Good morning,” she called out, “are you awake?”

The door opened and Adam was standing there, bare chested and wearing loose-fitting sweatpants and sneakers. His face wore the scruff of a one-day beard and damn it looked good on him. “Good morning, beautiful. You look well rested.”

“I slept great, and you?”

“Me too.” He glanced over his shoulder at the bedside clock. “How much time do you need to get ready? We’ll have to be at the mansion by ten to help the bride and groom get things organized for the big event.”

“I think we’re really providing moral support.” He flashed her a smile. “But give me thirty minutes. That should give us plenty of time for breakfast.” He leaned against the doorjamb. “Dress warm. The weatherman was calling for freezing rain and sleet.”

She gave him thumbs-up and closed the door. She waited to hear if he would flip the lock between them, but it was quiet.

Adam propped himself up against the door with his hand. Thank heavens he’d strapped his leg on before she knocked. There was no way he could have moved quickly and appear calm and cool. He gave a soft chuckle. It would be nice if Mel thought she was the reason he was a little off kilter.

Lying in bed last night, he had decided when they got home he was going to tell her about his leg and the rest of what had happened to him after the IED explosion. He owed it to her, but he also owed it to himself to find the courage to let her into his life and bare all his scars.

Once he was ready Adam tapped on the door from the hallway. He didn’t want Mel to feel like she didn’t have enough privacy by always using the connector door.

When she opened it, she was dressed in a cream turtleneck sweater, a long red vest and black leggings with knee-high boots. Not that he was noticing the particulars, he chided himself.

“Ready?” he said.

“I’m starving. Do you think Diana has something downstairs?”

“I’m sure she does, but if not, I’ll bet there is a good place to eat nearby.” Adam moved to one side and Mel fell in step next to him.

“Do you think we’ll have time to tour Rosecliff after we are done with the rehearsal?”

They strolled down the wide staircase. Mel’s heel caught on a tread. She began to pitch forward, but Adam reached out and grabbed her arm to steady her.

Her eyes were wide. His heart quickened. “Are you okay?”