“Hi, sweetie. It’s Mom.”
Melinda smiled into the phone. Her mom always announced herself when she called. “I’m all packed and ready to see you and Dad tomorrow, just in time to go to the market and get all the fixings for Turkey Day.”
“That’s why I’m calling.” Mom coughed. “Dad and I have both come down with a nasty flu bug and we don’t want you to come out and get exposed to it too.”
“But Mom, I could help out.” Mel sank down on a stool. She had always had Thanksgiving with her parents.
“We’ll have some of our special dishes at Christmas instead.” Mom coughed again. “Of course, we’ll cover your plane ticket.”
“That’s not necessary, Mom. Are you sure you don’t want me to come out?”
“We’ve made up our mind. And once we get over this bug, we’ll make new plans. Okay?”
She knew she wasn’t going to change her mom’s mind. Reluctantly she agreed and promised to call the next day to check in on them.
Melinda hung up the phone, dejected. She wasn’t going to see her family for Thanksgiving. Feeling sorry for herself, she grabbed a pint of chocolate ice cream and a spoon; this was dinner.
After inhaling the first half, she sighed. Why can’t I make a special meal for myself? Maybe I can invite Adam over, unless he’s going to see his family. Why don’t I ask him? She heaved herself off the couch and put the pint back in the freezer. Checking the time, she realized the grocery store didn’t close for a few more hours. Making a snap decision, she grabbed her car keys and coat. She was off.
After walking into the brightly lit store, Christmas music playing in the background, she pushed a small cart. Menu planning on the spur of the moment was sure to mean she’d forget a critical ingredient.
She rounded a corner and Stacey was in the baking aisle. Embarrassed, with her cart overfull of all the traditional holiday meal ingredients, she tried to spin her cart around before she was seen, but it was too late.
“Melinda.” Stacey smiled. “I thought you were catching a flight to California to see your mom and dad.”
With a shrug she said, “That was the plan. Mom called a little while ago and said not to come. She and Dad have a bad case of the flu and don’t want me to get it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Stacey brightened. “Does that mean you can join us? It’s going to be an eclectic group. Will’s parents, Molly and Tim, along with her parents, and Adam. This year my mom and dad are going to my uncle’s in Vermont.”
Melinda gripped the cart handle. This was exactly what she had been afraid of, being an extra wheel. “I don’t want to intrude on your family celebration.”
Stacey protested, “You are family, Melinda.” She grinned. “Say you’ll come.”
“Well…” She hesitated. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t enjoy herself, but she didn’t want anyone feeling sorry for her.
Stacey continued, “I won’t take no for an answer.”
She relented. “Only if I can bring something.”
“Dessert. What’s your specialty?” Stacey pointed to the shelves. “I’m a hopeless baker. I was going to resort to the bakery.”
“Heavens,” Melinda joked. “I can make a pumpkin cheesecake and maybe an apple pie?”
“Oh, both of those sound delicious.” A gleam came into Stacey’s eye. “Are you going to use that cookie crust for the apple pie like you served at your party?”
With a chuckle Melinda said, “If that’s what you’d like, of course I can.”
Stacey rubbed her hands together with anticipation. “My mouth is watering already.”
“Based on how you cook I don’t think anyone will have room for dessert.”
Stacey’s cheeks went light pink. “This is my first time hosting Thanksgiving. I’m a little nervous.”
“If you need anything, you just let me know.”
“Thanks, Mel. Dinner’s at two. See you Thursday.”
Stacey hurried off straining to steer her overfull shopping cart.