There he was. She pressed her hand to her midsection to quiet the flash of nerves. Her eyes never left his as he made his way to her side. He looked dashing in his dark slacks, gray herringbone jacket and light blue shirt, which was open at the throat. The way he carried himself Adam looked every inch of a military man, even without the uniform.

“Mel.” He took her hand in his. It was warm and firm. “You look stunning.” He pulled her close and kissed her cheek. “And smell even better.”

She felt the flush creep up her cheeks as she glanced down at her deep forest green dress. It was simply tailored as she didn’t want to stand out. The hairstylist had curled her already wavy hair and piled it on top of her head. After her facial, she felt as if her face glowed. The cosmetologist had done an excellent job with her makeup as she didn’t look made-up. She had contoured blush to follow the angle of her high cheekbones, and although her makeup was subtle, her eyes shimmered with a touch of gold on the lid and a swish of purple under her lower lashes.

Pleased he seemed to think she was attractive, she said, “You’re looking pretty snazzy yourself.”

“Can I buy you a drink?” He tugged her hand and steered her farther into the room.

She looked around. “Everything looks perfect. Just as I had hoped.”

Adam glanced at the room. “You and Stacey out did yourselves.”

Melinda could feel a flush warm her cheeks. “Molly and Tim deserve a special night before their big day.”

“You’ve played a big part in their happiness.” He gave her a quizzical look. “How many couples do you think have walked down an aisle because of you?”

“You’re giving me too much credit. But, if I was keeping track,” with a laugh she said, “and I do, I’d say at least twenty-one couples, give or take.” She knew she was beaming. She was very proud of what she had accomplished since starting It’s Just Coffee.

“That’s forty-two satisfied clients.”

“Look at you, doing math on the fly.” She bumped his shoulder. It wasn’t the first time she noticed he was tall and solid.

“Smart aleck.” He chuckled. “For the record, I’m a whiz at trivia games too.”

“I’ll keep that in mind if I’m looking for a partner.” She paused and felt her face grow warm. If Adam noticed the quip, he didn’t say anything. “For games.”

They stepped up to the bar and Adam ordered her a glass of red wine. She raised an eyebrow as he did. “Would you prefer something else?” he asked.

“No. I just didn’t realize you were paying attention to my preferred beverage choice.”

“Of course I do.” He leaned in toward her. “It’s a bad habit, watching over the people in my life.”

Feeling suddenly nervous, she looked down. What would it be like to have Adam aware of more than just her wine preference?

He grinned. “We’ve been through a lot since we met, don’t you think?”

She looked up at him through her lashes. “A building project, a trip to the ER, adoption of the four-legged kind.” She stopped short of adding in dating. “Speaking of which, how is the fur baby?”

“Skye is growing like a weed. She’s discovered sleeping at the foot of my bed means she can stretch out or curl up at will.”

“I see the smile on your face. You’ve fallen under her spell.”

“I never thought I was much of a cat person, but Skye is a lot of fun to have around.” Adam put his hand on the small of her back and ushered her to the table. “I snuck in before and saved us seats.”

The room was set in four tables of six with an additional two tables, one with an assortment of appetizers and the other set with coffee service. “Stacey thought having a plated meal would be elegant, and I have to agree it was the right choice.”

“Do you know everyone here?” Adam asked her.

“Well, I’ve been introduced to everyone a few times and I know the ladies much better after today. There is something about bonding over manicures.”

Adam snorted. “I can imagine. Do you mull over color selections, making sure toes and fingers match?”

“Stop teasing me.” Again, she could feel her cheeks grow warm. “You’re a brat.”

“Oh wait, looks like the bride and groom to-be are taking their places.” Adam pointed to the next table over. “I hope it’s okay that we’re sitting with Will and Stacey.”

“Of course. They’re a great couple.”