“It’s not my story to tell. Talk to Adam.”
She shook her head. Her intuition was in overdrive after all the patients she had counseled she knew there was something he was holding close to the vest. He had the opportunity to tell her all that had happened. Melinda knew what PTSD felt like. John’s death changed her. The depression that had engulfed her in the months that followed was a dark, oppressive cloud.
“Melinda?” She heard the concern in Stacey’s voice.
“Sorry. I got distracted.”
“Please don’t be upset with me. Adam is Will’s best friend, more like a brother, and I love him like family.”
“He is a good man.” Melinda smiled, hoping to reassure her friend. “It’s not a secret, but he and Beth have decided they’re not going to continue to date.”
Stacey tucked small splits of wine into the cloth bags on the counter. “I saw that coming. She didn’t ring any bells for him.”
Melinda felt a smidge guilty for taking Stacey down this path, but she was curious about why Beth hadn’t been a good match and why Adam was attracted to her. “Really? They both love the outdoorsy stuff. But she hates sports so I guess I’m not completely surprised.”
“That is just one side of Adam. His friends mean the world to him.”
“I know. When I met him at the wedding, I could see how much everyone there liked him. He just fit, if you know what I mean. Although I did get the impression he loved spending time outdoors, and with his job I just figured he’d want someone who was as active as he seemed to be.”
“He’s like all of us,” Stacey laughed. “Some days it’s tough getting out of bed. I feel like an old lady.”
“I know. If I spend the day gardening, I get stiff. That’s when I tell myself if I were a couch potato, it would be even worse.”
Stacey added bars of gourmet chocolate to the bags. “Have you heard from Molly?”
“We talked last night. She is very excited for the spa and then meeting her fiancé and the guys for a night of dinner and dancing.”
Surprise flitted across Stacey’s face. “Dancing? Did we get a band or something?”
Melinda smiled. “Relax. I checked with the restaurant, and in the dining room we’ve reserved they have a small dance floor. I’ve arranged to have romantic music play, so she and Tim can dance to their hearts’ content.”
“You think of all the details.”
Melinda held up a small notebook and waved it in midair. “If I were to ever lose this, I’d be sunk. My planner keeps me ultra-organized.”
“You don’t use your phone?”
Melinda laughed. “I need to physically write it down. That’s the only way to make sure everything gets done.”
“Maybe I should try that too. Will says I’d lose my head if it wasn’t attached.”
“Stacey, you guys really are happy, aren’t you?”
She beamed and a glow of happiness filled her eyes. “You helped me find the love of my life. Sometimes I feel like you were given a gift from the goddess of love. I’ve never met anyone who has such a knack for matchmaking.” She added small tubes of hand lotion to the bags.
Melinda couldn’t help but laugh. “This is the very first time I’ve ever been compared to a goddess.”
“Well, I could compare you to Cupid.” Stacey folded down the tops of the bags.
“It sounds like being compared to the goddess is quite a lot to live up to.” She laughed. “I wonder if I can add that to my website, as a testimonial from a satisfied client.”
Stacey grinned. “Of course you can, anything I can do to help support your business. After all, you should share your gift with the world.”
Chapter 29
The spa day bridal shower was a smashing success. Molly was radiant and seemed to float on air as they entered the restaurant. The guys should be waiting for them. Melinda was looking forward to seeing Adam. It had been a week since they had seen each other. She had been busy with the shower details and clients and Adam was working a job north of town. She checked the mirror in the entrance and wiped a smudge of lipstick from her lower lip.
Standing inside the dining room, she watched as the couples paired up. A stab of sadness momentarily washed over her. John would have liked this wonderful group of people who had become her close friends. He would have especially liked Adam. Both men had that quiet strength people instinctively recognized. It was comforting that in a few ways they were a lot alike.