“Not right now.” She looked around. “Can you grab a couple of bottles of wine and we’ll go back out?”

“Right.” He slipped a corkscrew in his back pocket. “No sense in opening them now.”

“Thinking on your feet.”

“Are you sure you’re doing okay?”

Melinda could see the concern on his face. “I was just remembering something about John.” She laid a hand on his arm. “It was a nice memory.”

“I wish I had met him,” Adam said with sincerity.

“You would have been good friends.” She picked up a stack of clear plastic cups. “Ready?”

Melinda finished the last of the dishes after the party ended. She went to lock the front door and was surprised to find it secured. “Adam.”

The house was quiet as she wandered around, double-checking the windows and doors. The more time she spent with Adam and her friends, the more she discovered the silence could become oppressive. Was she wrong to decide she was done with love? Could she give her heart to another man? Would that be betraying John’s memory?

She fired up her laptop and sent an email to Stacey, asking when she wanted to go dress shopping. She shut it down and, at a loss, decided to call Adam.

No. That was too weird. Besides, he was planning a third date with Beth. She had to wonder, since the wedding wasn’t for two months…would he rather go with her? She dialed him before she could change her mind again.

Adam answered on the first ring. “Hi, Mel. Is everything okay?”

“I was thinking about Molly and Tim’s wedding. If you want to change our plans so you can bring a plus one, I’ll understand.”

“Do you want to go alone?”

She couldn’t gauge his reaction by the tone in his deep, rich voice. “No, I’d love to go with you, it would be fun. I just didn’t want you to feel obligated since we made our plans before you and Beth…” Her voice drifted off.

“I’m glad you called. I was concerned you’d think we needed to change our plans. How about I stop over tomorrow and we can check out local hotels and get one booked? I’ll drive if you like—we can take the truck. It’s very comfortable.”

Melinda’s heart fluttered. “We’ll take my car, and I’ll do some research and see if I can find a couple of hotel options.”

“Tim mentioned it’s less than a two-hour drive.”

“Good.” Melinda hesitated. “Well, I guess that’s it for tonight.” She couldn’t find a reason to keep the conversation going.

“I’m glad that’s settled.”

“Adam, if you do change your mind, I’d understand.”

“I won’t and you can’t either. We’re going to this extravaganza together.” He chuckled. “Just curious. Do you know how to fix a bow tie?”

She laughed. “I do.”

Chapter 25

Melinda had dashed through the shower after spending the morning puttering around the yard getting everything ready for winter. She was a grimy mess and hardly fit to spend time with Adam and make plans for the wedding weekend.

She heard a knock on the front door. “I’ll be right out,” she called through the open bedroom door. She grabbed the tube of mascara and coated her lashes, added a swish of blush and ran lip gloss over her lips. She was ready.

She pulled open the door and discovered Nick standing on her doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers. Taken aback she said, “Nick.”

“Melinda.” He handed her the brightly colored mix. “I only have a minute. Gretchen is waiting for me in the car.”

Adam’s truck pulled into the driveway. Conversation stalled as he strode purposefully up the walk.

“Hey, Mel.” He looked at the other man.